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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in desire (19)


What do you truly want?

Notice how wants and desires arise from birth. A separate sense of self is born. This is not itself an issue. This is not meant to be a substitution for the divine being within. Notice whatever you give attention to grows. So, it is believing in separateness that gives rise to whatever you allow to hijack your focus.  All-the-while, the truth never moves.  Ask yourself what this moment feels like without all the wants and desires.

Step back from what gives life to your story, from what evokes emotions in your direct experience. Notice they grow stronger grounded in perceived time (past and future), a sense of suffering, loss or lack that seems to exist. What is the underlying message? What peers through?The only things that can change are mind and how it experiences. The perceiver of all is forever present. What is wanted beyond ego and desire?

Beyond that exists the imagined ideal, that which is intuited as perfect freedom. An image of unconditional love jumps into mind until it is known you are this.  Awareness does not exert effort to rid you of your thoughts. What you are does not believe in thought.  Notice how you speak of or view "you" and awareness or that which has no form. Are they not one? Look deeper. Notice what you really want and what you really are is always here. What direct experience is the living question you continue to seek?

"You are free to call forth any reality that you wish. What does God want? Nothing. Absolutely nothing." -Neale Donald Walsch


Notice archetypes

Notice the archetypes that inspire and motivate you in stories and also those that play out in your daily life.  The traits of characters that appeal to you in movies and books relate to the experiences you draw into your physical life. The outcomes in your life cannot change until you move through the pattern and see it as it is. 

You run many energy patterns unaware in this realm.The energy you express yourself through is often in conflcit with your desire.  What you attract in relationships and sitautions always relates to your energy vibration.  Step back and observe your life impersonally.  Be honest.  Wisdom arises as you choose to know yourself. You only ever transcend what is not you as you allow clarity to shine and let go of all else.


Allow senses to open wide

Wherever you are, you have the ability to observe and perceive partially or impartially.  You view things with or without desire.  You perceive thoughts, concepts and identify with them or, identify with nothing.  You discern love and hate as opposites or as reflecting the same underlying message.  Fullness and emptiness are the same.

Notice whether you exert effort to understand, whether you struggle to listen with the head. Notice that the feelings that bother you are actually thoughts in disguise.  They are drawing your attention to another kind of sensing directly from the heart.  The mind sees things based on conditioning.  Can the perceiver of everything be perceived? That which is unchanging always speaks through you. Being does not experience.  It is the most intimate existence. Allow senses to open wide and know.


Contemplate everything

How often do you contemplate life? What are you really on this planet for right now? Many people focus on what is unfolding in the lives of others through television or other windows into the external world. Notice what kind of information is irrelevant to who you are. How are your interactions with others, life and inner being shifting?

Notice your focus of attention.  Is it on what you do not have or who are you really?  Shifting to focus on higher consciousness shakes the foundation of institutions that exist based on the human desire for external authority, conditioned fear,  thoughts about control and perceived separation. Feel the movement and natural flow toward interconnectivity.  Awaken to the presence of synchonicity.


Love is the answer

You figure everything out on your own.  When your being emerges pure and unencumbered, you experience the power of now, the unfolding of love vibrations.  You resonate unlimited harmony and potential.  You allow a magical power to create precisely what you envision into being.  In essence, you are a transmitting and receiving mechanism.  You need not justify a desire.  Shape your thoughts based on how you feel.  As you sense positive vibration, know the reason for it already exists.  Invite it in.  You accept joy or resist it.