Review your motives

"If we forget ourselves in order to benefit others, if we are prepared to give our own lives to save the lives of others, and if we are giving them whatever is necessary for their welfare, then we shall gain happiness and all perfection." -The 14th Dalai Lama
When humans forge relationships, they may have a deeper strategic agenda. You may not be consciously aware of why you spend time with certain people, or, you may consciously seek out people because you hope to gain from the relationship. It may be personal or professional or, something unknown to your conscious mind. In some cases, people are very clear why they seek a particular mentor, they may wish to model a paricular kind of external success and wish to follwo similar steps to get there.
Some people are very altruistic. They always put another person first. This may be your partner, parent, child, friend, colleague or strangers. In such cases, caring and devotion may come from the heart. Love and compassion guide us unless people-pleasin, fear of rejection or codependence exist due to soul wounds.
Other people are more self-centred. They make choices that favor their own interest, consciously or unconsciously. They only do things if they discern it would be to their perceived advantage. The nature of their relationships reflects their self-importance.
To fight your own will offers a lesson. You want to do more than survive. You want to change part of yourself that seems to be missing. You are shaping your consciousness with every person you meet. You stretch to become something you have always been.