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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in strategy (3)


3 Tips to stop being overwhelmed

When life is having a strong emotional effect on you, to the point where you begin to feel buried, discourages or temporarily dazed and confused, its the perfect moment to read these three tips:

1. Prioritize

Make a detailed list of everything you are doing so you have a clearer idea where your limits are and what you feel comfortable delegating.  This may require setting up a meeting with people, seeking professional advice or counsel to discuss or explore.

2. Brainstorm strategy 

Once you have the information directly in front of you, this is the moment to brainstorm or mindmap a way to better handle the situation (or many situations) you may have come to juggle.

3. Take steps to believe in yourself

Whether you are a leader who's role involves inspiring team players to value their unique contributions and develop confidence or, whether you are simply ready to get your own life in order, take steps to build your own confidence. Where the will exists, a way can be found.


5 Tips to master yourself

Its common to feel unfulfilled and also to underestimate your power to change.  Do you ever wonder if this life has more to offer, and if so, how to get a handle on it?  It is the perfect moment to pay closer attention.

Only as you get to know yourself inside out does the bigger picture begin to take shape.   Only then are you in position to consciously transform. Consider 5 tips to master yourself (or at least begin the process):

1. Notice the monkey mind

The monkey mind is engaged in imitating or distracting.  As long as the mind clings to belief, copies and adopts what it sees, it creates and perpetuates its own prison. An unestablished mind is highly influenced, ungrounded and unable to see clearly. Conscious attention is shifted to focus on unnecessary moments or situations.  Thoughts and emotions can escalate, disrupt natural balance and feeling centered.

2. Grow aware of unconscious behavior

Stepping back allows observing your own unconscious behavior.  This is about witnessing how you behave when you think nobody is watching. This is not about judging.  Its about simply growing aware of what you are doing and the underlying reasons or conditioning for it.  Being compassionate helps it grow clearer how you inhabit space. You may choose to videotape yourself and watch it play back. What is apparent?

3. Read your body language

Your body is the physical embodiment or manifestation of your unconscious attitudes, intents and desires.   Observe yourself when alone and with others. How do you sit? What is your posture? Do you lean or slouch?How do you carry your head and the rest of your body? Observations tell you about your attitudes, intents and desires.  How you move, and where you place yourself in relation others, says a lot.

4. Deepen the personal inventory

Branch out from mental chatter, body language and verbal communication. Ask yourself, how and why am I showing up?  Am I typically expressive, well-spoken or at a loss for words?  Am I allowing a range of emotions to flow though and be expeirenced or I am limiting my feelings? Am I generally active or passive? Do I appear confident?    Keep a daily diary of what stands out and also what is changing.

5. Create a well-established mind

A well-established mind  has a handle on the four directions of an integrated system. This whole system includes your mind, your body, your emotions, your energies.  When your thougths, words and actions are in harmony, you experience harmony in your external perception.


Review your motives

"If we forget ourselves in order to benefit others, if we are prepared to give our own lives to save the lives of others, and if we are giving them whatever is necessary for their welfare, then we shall gain happiness and all perfection." -The 14th Dalai Lama

When humans forge relationships, they may have a deeper strategic agenda.  You may not be consciously aware of why you spend time with certain people, or, you may consciously seek out people because you hope to gain from the relationship.   It may be personal or professional or, something unknown to your conscious mind. In some cases, people are very clear why they seek a particular mentor, they may wish to model a paricular kind of external success and wish to follwo similar steps to get there.

Some people are very altruistic.  They always put another person first.  This may be your partner, parent, child, friend, colleague or strangers.  In such cases, caring and devotion may come from the heart.  Love and compassion guide us unless people-pleasin, fear of rejection or codependence exist due to soul wounds.

Other people are more self-centred.  They make choices that favor their own interest, consciously or unconsciously.  They only do things if they discern it would be to their perceived advantage.  The nature of their relationships reflects their self-importance.

To fight your own will offers a lesson.  You want to do more than survive.  You want to change part of yourself that seems to be missing.  You are shaping your consciousness with every person you meet.  You stretch to become something you have always been.