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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in comfort zone (10)


10 Tips to rendez-vous with destiny

A popular question that arises is how to catch up with destiny. Many people admit they view destiny as a kind of carrot at the end of a fishing line they feel they are often chasing. Although life purpose may change at different life stages, destiny is viewed as your unique and ultimate reason for being. Does this confuse you? You may be asking what you need to do, where to go, to feel at ease or in harmony with yourself. Reflect on 10 tips to r.d.v. with your destiny: 

1. Recognize your 'comfort zone' 

This entails recognizing your comfort zone in different areas of your life and how this limits you.  In general, the more rigid your (or your kids') schedule, the more comfort zones you have created.  If you are caring for other people, (i.e., relations, pets or other friends), the more jam-packed their routine, the more you fear letting go of control, the more you fear spontaneity, fear creating something new, lasting and enriching in your life or feel uncomfortable stepping into the unfamilliar.  Conscious awareness of why you do things greatly empowers you to shift reality.

2. Find the courage to heal

Comfort zones do not just happen.  They are a symptom of repressed/ suppressed negative emotions, unhealed pain and mental suffering. Finding courage to heal implies the willingness to grow aware of triggers and habits (why these arise), and how you numb out or shift focus from the root cause of discomfort. This involves exploring character traits, possible co-dependence, people-pleasing, unconscious self-sabotage, self-hate or rejection and fear-based action.  Discover what blocks true intimacy, connnection, personal fulfillment & professional success. 

3. Stretch yourself

Watch what unfolds as you envision yourself beyond your current circumstances.  Depending on your readiness, this could mean taking up a course or training, shifting into a new vocation, moving geographically, building a dream home, renovating something, changing entourage, or generally building a new foundation from where to grow. Every instance you see things differently, even taking a new route to work, choosing to wear more comfortable shoes, or openly confiding intimate details of your life without fear of vulnerability, you are tasting your destiny. Every moment, you can take steps to find your way. Consider working with a mentor.

4. Adopt an optimistic attitude

The moment is ripe to function with an optimistic attitude. Listen to your thoughts and words more closely. How often do you hear yourself saying, "this is not possible because..." or "the time is not right because...?" Be aware of how often you talk yourself out of what you want, what feels right or do not even allow yourself to explore possibilities beyond habit. Who is really in charge here? Being optimistic is part of the process of reclaiming personal power you gave away. Imagine reclaiming it and letting go of what holds you back. How does your perception shift?

5. Stop acting to appease others

Whether or not its obvious to you at this stage, you are not always acting based on your own heart-felt desires and dreams.  Self-acceptance does not depend on the nature and intensity of your fitness practices or the amount of what you accomplish in the eyes of family or mentors and role models you admire. As you recognize and stop unconscious behaviours that arise to appease others, you move into that place where you do things you only used to speak or dream about.  

6. Tap into unused potential

Imagine the possibility you only use a fraction of your innate intelligence, wisdom and resources.  Remind yourself the moment is ripe to access diverse skills and abilities that you habitually fail to see and use. Know and accept that within you are powers that facilitate everything imaginable you could become. Simply get out of your own way. Talking to yourself can help you clarify what you wish to do or create in life.  Where you are is perfect for this moment and you are catching up with dreams realized by a future version of you watching your progress. 

7. Set new goals

Watch what happens as you give up complacency in favor of extending your wings more fully, of raising the bar for yourself.  Imagine what it feels like to blossom beyond self-created boundaries.  Set new goals that draw out the best in you.  Work toward those things that enable you to develop a sense of mastery and peak performance.  Begin with a pad of paper, writing implement and undivided attention.  Unleash the unthinkable. Let your fingers do the talking.

8. Imagine no limitations

Take a few moments to imagine you have no limitations in terms of money, no time constraints, health issues, no obstacles to contacts, experience, knowledge or education. That is, imagine whatever you write is possible for you, provided you want it genuinely and are willing to make whatever efforts and sacrifices are necessary.  This implies seeing through mid-life crisis. Go on, surprise yourself.  What would it look like?

9. Build unshakable self-confidence

It may surprise you but the mere act of writing dreams on paper takes a concept to the next level while building your self-confidence. Focusing physical and mental energy on specific ideas gives them life.  The process of adding detail and taking steps to realize it generates a greater sense of personal power and ability.  This is not ego-driven arrogance or pride but heartfelt love of life. 

 10.  Achieve peak performance

Achieving peak performance happens as you clarify goals, challenge and revise your own standards, invite feedback, do not take things personally, give yourself heart and soul to what enables you to feel harmony within yourself.  This may seem like a big ask or a tall order.  Yet, it happens naturally when you are in a state of flow because you function with extraordinary energy and clarity. Everything simply comes together. Uncover what you are uniquely qualified to do and be and even the stranger you speak to in passing reveals a connection to where you are heading. Making a meaningful and lasting impact on the world begins with cracking the shield you have build oer your own heart.  Are you ready to be proactive? Let the Soul be your pilot.


9 Tips to reach a whole new level 

If you do not feel motivated or inspired, your spirit is sick. You have not yet discovered what is huge for you, what can shift awareness and more. To transform like never before, ponder 9 tips to reach a whole new level;

1. Establish goals

Goals are a must to have direction and to consciously build momentum.  Creating measurables and milestones can help bring accountability.  The things that are outside your comfort zone are the things that achieve your success.  If achieving goals was easy, everyone would quickly reach them and there would be nothing left to motivate you. 

2. Get over your childhood wounds

Part of you may linger in hopelessness, victimhood, fear, assuming a recurrent pattern is inevitable.  You may be used to blaming your past for your present. This is the moment to see this moment as a blank slate, to see through imaginary mental hurdles and get on with why you exist.  

3. Deprogram the programming

People are programmed to hesitate, doubt, talk themselves out of doing what feels right, what would otherwise propel them forward. Those who are successful are willing to be embarrassed, rejected, to look foolish.  Its crucial to see humor in your programmed beliefs and to shift out it this.

4. Most rules are made to be broken

Rules not meant simply to keep you out of harms way are psychological tricks you play on yourself.  Each rule is a test inviting you to see the underlying reason why it is created and to recognize where you outgrow it. This is about taking fearless responsibility for yourself.  Be willing to ask for what you want.  Pull all the stops.  

5.  Know everything is possible

Most people do not choose to focus intently on what they want because they think it is not possible.  Be willing to do whatever it takes. Trust.  Act. Stay up later. Get up earlier. Talk and act as if.  To experience massive success in the material world requires courage to set the bar high and be unafraid to get over it.  

6.  Tune into whatever brings you the greatest joy.

If everyone did the thing they are designed to do, then everyone would be happy, the world would be in harmony.  This is about trusting yourself. The best advice is to focus on what makes you feel most alive.

7.  Meditate

In silence, recognizing what feels good, that is, tuning into your feedback system, is a subtle way you give yourself guidance. Meditation is patiently waiting for answers you seek to respond to your own questions.

8.  Know the world is plotting to do you good.

Challenges arise because the universe wants to test you, wants you to earn the reward you crave like the carrot dangling at a distance the end of the fishing line.  How committed are you? Knowing adversity makes you more human, more believable to your audiences and clients.

9.  Focus on Impact & Legacy

Changing the world or making a difference can bring money.  Action without awareness is not enough. Impact in the world that matters requires momentum. We need to take action.  Create on-line podcasts, on-line training programs, teach, do speaking engagements, explore uses of evolving technologies. Experiences teach better than concepts.


3 Key Benefits to being more bold and daring 

This is the perfect moment to allow yourself to unleash what has been waiting for you to notice it.  Call it untapped potential or life-changing inspiration. Here are three key benefits of being more bold and daring:

1. Letting go of the old allows embracing the new

Stepping outside your comfort zone allows you to discover that the comfort zone was actually uncomfortable.

2. Acting spontaneously is being in the flow of synchronicity

Seeing opportunities and intuitively acting on what resonates, allows you to see clearer that you are always assisting yourself. 

3. Shifting from fear-based decision-making into a love inspired existence 

Choosing is about hesitation. Moving beyond examination and reflection is being guided solely by love. This reminds you the more bold and daring you are, the more you appreciate and accept what makes you tick.


5 Tips to reach deeper fulfillment

Perceived lack of fulfillment is one reason people take up new training, aspire for promotion, shift job or career or re-evaluate relationships. Restlessness triggers desire for change. Without realizing it, we create barriers to our own career progress.  As you muse over options, reflect on underlying reasons for your own choices.  Ponder these five tips to reach deeper fulfillment:

1) Shift your perspective

Rather than limit yourself to an area of job or career, shift to a wellness model.  Get in touch with what enables you to feel good about yourself. Career isn’t something to reflect on or change during crisis. Discover what career wellness is and make it your norm. You can avoid some crises, and definitely be better equipped to deal with any that occur.  All-the-while, what you gather experientially, and intellectually, none of this is you. The question of being peaceful, joyful or fulfilled only arises from ego. When you conduct your life by accident, or simply do what ego tells you, life is not fulfilling. As you live more consciously, you realize no accidents exist, only unconscious choices.  Functionning unconsciously is unfulfilling, no matter what you do. As you can get to know yourself, choose jobs or careers consciously, being in a heartfelt place happens. 

2) Let go of self-centredness

When ecstatic, you do not wonder what your life purpose is or seek fulfillment.  All questions about that come from burdonsomeness, restlessness, discontent.  The height of human ego is to assume existence is human-centred, that God has some hidden purpose for you to fulfill. Rather than ask why misery? Shift to ask how to transcend your misery. The path to fulfillment is not what you think. You feel the way, notice synchronicities, trust intuition, make fears conscious and master them.

3) Be open to new ways of seeing

If something is not yet in your experience, you are forced to believe or disbelieve.  When someone chooses to believe or disbelieve outside of their experience, they have a positive or negative story to tell. Assumptions and stories do not bring fulfillment. Seeing directly does. Practical experience in all sorts of settings evokes fulfillment.  Allow yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Do what makes you feel alive.

4) Stop the self-torture 

Happiness is neither easy nor difficult. You need not manage happiness. Simply learn to manage your faculties. Memory and imagination set you apart from other creatures.  You reflect on the past and project into the future. People seeking fulfillment suffer from effects of memory and imagination. Rather than seek happiness, or link it to another job or degree, notice how you are conducting your faulties. If you give your power away, somebody can cause you to get angry or unhappy.  How you think and feel are up to you.  Notice personality is not SELF. Personality is largely unconscious, a little bit conscious. Content of the mind is acquired. What is not acquired from outside is called SELF. Physical body and mind are software and hardware.  What is inside is undeniably here yet often overlooked. Concentrate here and watch what happens.

5) Focus on inner well-being

If you are truly interested in your life, pay closer attention to what goes on within you rather than what is happening outside. Right now, your physical and emotional needs are passing needs. It is not a question of what is inferior and superior, it is a matter of doing what feels right for you at a given moment.  This changes.  Focusing on inner well-being happens as you begin to understand what happens in the external world is a reflection of your inner world. What you want is what is happening within you already but you overlook it.  To focus on inner-well being, some striving is required. In body and content of mind, in personalities, in memories, we are different, yet the SELF, the essential me, everybody is the same. Realisation means something already here is recognized.  This is not an achievement or an accomplishment.  You do not make up or earn fulfillment. It is not something you feel based on what you do. Rather, it is core state of being like love and success that you fail to recognize and accept until ready. Only then do you feel truly fulfilled. 


6 Strategies to leave your comfort zone

Many people will speak about comfort zones, but that does not always mean they understand their own or how to get out of them. Comfort zones are situations that are familiar and often turn into habits. Who truly knows what is good for the self? You know what's best for you, but you do not always listen to what the heart knows.  Venturing beyond comfort zones enables you to grow.

When it comes to stepping outside a comfort zone, each person is capable, but that does not mean they are always willing or have the awareness to know how it helps.  To get the ball rolling, you benefit from learning to follow the thread back to understand your current mindset and the underlying reasons for it.  Consider these strategies to step outside your comfort zone;

1) Notice where you are.  Self-awareness has many levels. To recognize the obvious as well as subtle nuances helps you to clarify how and why you feel as you do where you are. This includes decriptive things like physical address, geography, conditions. How you describe this adds layers and labels to your perceived identity, that is, how you view yourself as a point of reference.

2) Pinpoint the why. Environments and self-image begin to feel comfortable due to mental conditioning.  This relates back to how you feel. Some part of you begins to believe it is good for you, desirable or helpful for you to stay where you are. Your perceptions may reflect elements of truth or illusions, but your action will align with beliefs. In essence, you imagine reasons for anxiety and insecurity with mental limits when none of these things exist.

3) Identify a sense of risk. A sense of risk triggers fear of threat or loss.  As you imagine new kinds of experiences, part of you may be receptive, but if a more dominant side resists changes, then you are less likely to do so.  The irony is that how you think and feel may not be grounded in reality.  You may assume making a certain choice will necessarily have negative repercussions when this is not the case.  All or none of your assumptions may be true. Yet, without further investigation, you may be permitting fear to control you.

4) Attune to energy. To become more self-aware of energy flow requires you to connect your actions and self-conscious awareness with what seems natural or going against the grain.  Review how a sense of time, perceived abilities and self-confidence, all play a role in your decision to perceive challenges and take steps to repond or not.  How you experience energy influences whether you take steps to exert control or respond differently.

5) Align the body & mind. Ever heard the phrase the mind is willing but the body is not or vice versa? Adjustments are required to coordinate the functioning of different parts of you.  The answers lie inside.  Sometimes guidance is helpful to navigate through obstacles. Getting back in touch with your natural state requires you work though conditioning on many levels to dissolve what no longer works.  No single recipe is the answer for all. Embracing change is a process.

6) Awaken to sources of joy. From the moment you choose to reframe struggle, you begin to realize the very experience itself is like powerful medicine.  To get this far helps you to realize you already access wisdom.  Make smooth transitions. Guide yourself to empowerment with love.  

"Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort." -Peter McWilliams

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