How do you involve your guardian angels?

No matter what you do today, it makes sense to reflect on how you involve your guardian angels. What's that? You don't know? You're not sure if you noticed them or they, you? Is that a conscious choice or a lack of awareness of what's really happening in your life?
1) Did you encounter green circulation lights or bypass a car accident today?
2) Was a vacant parking space calling out to you?
3) Has your overworked computer churned out another document without a hitch?
4) Did a stranger do something kind for you then, disappear?
5) Were you able to get up at all, with minimal pain and discomfort?
6) What about that close call where you nearly lost something you cherish?
Listen to yourself. Whenever you use words like, "coincidence", "blessings" or "luck," this can also be a sign of heavenly intervention. Notice which situations in your own life remind you that you're not alone. Ponder experiences that strenghten your inner resolve, resilience, nurture your faith or prompt you to trust in what you cannot see.
Reader Comments (7)
My guardian angel wishes your guardian angel all the best.
rainer, choosing to experience positive feelings will attract more reasons to experience more of the same. Some people sense guardian angels are sort of like invisible versions of Jiminey Cricket from Pinocchio. They can activate our conscience, but their presence also reminds us of basic truths we readily forget. As is said with gratitude, Namaste.
I would like to thank you for the article. It has been a great help to me. I wish you peace.
To recount a few:
1. I was speeding downtown NYC on my bike when I felt the urge to put on the brakes - that's when a speeding car ran a red light on an adajcent street.
2. Another time I went to step off a curb when a speeding cab sped by, missing me by a hair. i felt the whoosh of the cab, realizing how close I was to being hit, possibly killed or badly injured.
3. A few years ago I got caught in bad weather conditions while flying a small plane where I was suddenly flying through pitch black condiions (in the clouds at night where I shouldn't have been). The plane gyrated wildly out of control for a few minutes and i thought I was doing to crash and die. Within minutes I pulled into the clear and landed safely.
So, something is definitely up!