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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in appreciation (34)


Regain your sense of centre

Appreciating yourself is a way to offer an example to others and help them regain a sense of centre or grounding. Choose to guide someone to reconnect to a core state of being, that is joy, pure unconditional love and acceptance. 

Notice your motive is to encourage freedom and letting go of inhibition in that person as well as yourself.  Take your attention away from any disruptive vibrations which include any resistance to existing love and acceptance.  Be willing to imagine that person realizing his intention to be in a healthier and happier state of being.  Insodoing, you also channel energy into your own vision for a parallel state of balance and wellness.  Allow joy to flow.


Lighten your load

Your thoughts and beliefs sometimes create feelings of heaviness which are misplaced and misguided. What would it take for you to release any blocks that prevent you from living a more uplifting life? What would you have to do to hear what your Higher Self tells you? This core of being never ceases to tell you how much you are loved as you are.

If you detect an awkward heaviness, its an invitation to lighten your load. Learn to anchor the mind in a new place. Seeking self-improvement reflects a desire to feel better about yourself, yet it overlooks that faults and weakness only exist in the mind.

Learn to listen, trust, and take action guided by the fun-loving accepting heart. If certain choices evoke discomfort, notice what these geelings point toward. You can explore this. Shifting attention to what you imagine feels good brings this forth.

You are alive and everything you do or do not do can only help you. Listen to heartfelt messages to know all burdens are illusion. Discomfort signals your desire to heal a wound you come to feel is no longer there. Anger reminds you untapped energy can be transformed and rechannelled. Worry teaches the power of trust. Know everything is a disguised form of love pointing to how it feels to be yourself.  Its the simplest thing to do.



Gratitude is a feeling of being thankful.  You feel grateful for your family or other people you cherish, but how often do you tell them aloud, express this in writing or demonstrate it using other gestures? How often do you reinforce that priceless sense of appreciation? What was it in our personal histories that caused us to stop talking openly about how we feel? As we grow up, we tend to become quiet, downplay thoughts and feelings and hesitate to be open.  You may sense the world you grew up in does not respond kindly to openness or transparency.  People aren't taught to accept compliments graciously but often respond in disbelief.

Consider western societies include special occasions into calendars.  You may think of Father's Day, Mother's Day, Grandparent's Day, Valentine's Day, Vetran's Day, National Independence Days, and others. Ask yourself why it is necessary to remind yourself to take time to express gratitude for those people and freedoms or circumstances that you are thankful for. How do you think of yourself if you forgot birthdays and other special occasions? You may feel upset or sad when people don't acknowledge you.  Are you conditioned to only give and receive appreciation at specific times during the year.  How does your life transform as you become more spontaneous with kindness, compassion and appreciation?

Imagine what your life would be like if you felt appreciated by everyone. You wouldn't likely have an internal gauge that measures attention. It wouldn't matter if people didn't contact you on commercial holidays.  Look beyond the negative feelings you might feel if people seem to forget about you. What does this really say about how generous you are with self appreciation? Do you need reasons to be grateful? Why hold back your feelings? What do you fear? Be grateful for every moment.  Show others by example they too can live a more joyful life. 

Gratitude is the memory of the heart. -Jean Baptiste Massieu


Staying power

Notice the conditions and relationships that have staying power or longevity in your life.  What keeps them in your scope or focus of attention?  What solidifies a bond between friends or partners and convinces them to 'stick it out' even when circumstances are difficult? What keeps certain people connected?

"The prospect of growing old together," admit one middle-aged couple.

"The loneliness I see among mature singles around me," replies one married man.

"We give each other strength," admits a female partner of 10 years.

"The joys of our children and grandchildren," explain grandparents.

"Shared values," notes a married woman.

You hear about financial troubles, serious illness, workaholism and other hurtful habits or activities, and yet, people who choose to stay connected somehow recognize how trivial many of their trials, disagreements or concerns really are.  They talk things out and let go.  They learn how not to hold grudges.  Instead, they focus on what brought them together.  They reminisce about how and why they overcame problems in the past. 

Couples that stay together through hardship learn it enables them to grow stronger and build trust. They learn the value of apology and forgiveness in and work through destructive, negative thoughts and feelings.  Healthier relationships are those where partners find ways to face the truth about themselves and also evolve together. A shared vision, a willingness to listen to each other, can lead to a relationship with staying power.  People will often offer you advice about your life.  Evaluate it thoroughly from your perspective. You are accountable for your decisions. Depend on yourself. Have faith in yourself. Share your intuitive views and see what feels right.

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