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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in answers (8)


Feel your way home

Notice the feelings in your gut about a sense of home.  One perspective conditions you to identify physical elements and associations of what this means such as geography, heritage, and structure.  Beyond this, you sense a feeling much bigger and brighter than what you are told. You are invited to feel your way home.  From this view, home is a timeless, spaceless experience, that has nothing to do with what the human mind tells you.

Consider that to speak of and focus on what is coming distracts you from what other people say is reality. From the broader, non-physical perspective, you have a particular understanding of how things are, of what home feels like.  You also know all dreams are answered.  There is no need to impose your understanding. You know what you know and have nothing to prove. If something is not relevant for you, you would not encounter it. A sense of home shifts as you grasp the root lesson speaking to you.

The authentic you knows you never leave home.  You only pinch yourself off from it long enough to realize you always come full circle.  The assumption that there must be more to life may inspire you to travel far and wide.  Regardless of the nature of your perceived journey, revelations are the same.  Physical senses give way to reveal more.

"Home is not where you live, by where you feel understood." -Christian Morganstern


Nothing is unknown

You may come here with questions not realizing you already hold answers.  What you are seeking may be unknown to the mind.  It may be buried in the unconscious or linger in energy levels you do not yet consciously register.  The answers may seem cloaked in shadows. 

Recognize you draw into awareness experiences with potential to make your own answers more clearly visible. As you notice contradictions, do not struggle.  Let them be as they are.  You embody all contradictons and possibilities. You are the source of your own light.  In getting to know who you are, the essence of being knows through this light all is revealed.  Take steps to Transform Your life.


When the questions disappear

As questions that form in the mind fade away, you may forget the original purpose in asking.  You may conclude that silence is where the answers exist and suddenly trigger your own revelations.  There is no time like the present to notice what you imagine and why.

To grasp where and who you are is to be in harmony with all that is.  To realize you are in conflict with something or someone reveals you resist the harmonius state of being, that you choose to struggle against full acceptance.  Whenever you do not feel at peace, step back.  Observe.  Situations and perceptions do not punish anyone.  We only ever choose to punish ourselves and imagine reasons for all that.

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