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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Angel currency to amulets

An angel is the name of an English gold coin issued from 1460 to 1643, bearing on its obverse a figure of the archangel Michael killing a dragon. First minted in 1461 during the reign of Edward IV, it had a value of six shillings and eight pence. By 1526, during the second coinage of Henry VIII, its value was raised to seven shillings and six pence.  Later, in 1544, it was worth eight shillings. By 1547, this coin’s value had reached ten shillings, in part due to extravagant spending habits of Henry VIII and an early example of inflation. It remained a ten shilling gold coin until production ceased in 1643 during the reign of Charles I.

The angel is a fascinating historic coin. It evolved from having market exchange value to hang round the neck of a patient who was touched for the king's ovil. Angels were no longer struck after the Restoration. When they went out of currency, small golden medallions, resembling them in style, were created to replace them as amulets, and these went by the name of "touch pieces." They continued to have the reputation of protection with an ability to ward off bad spirits.


Toss it out the window

If possessions and power are tossed out the window, some people might ask what's left of wealth. Increasingly, people will tell you that "time is money" and so, anything you can do to increase time you have to devote to what you prefer doing would then contribute to wealth. 

Standing back, where you create situations that have beneficial results for yourself and/or others, then this would be considered a kind of wealth creation. A benefit remains a value judgment.

If you cherish your health, then discarding or changing any habits or practices which undermine good health and well-being inversely promote a kind of intangible wealth. That is worth having.

Where you decide to buy less manufactured goods and share what you have more, this would conceivably promote more communication and stronger relationships. Take a lawn mower example. If you own one, how long do you use it in a given year as compared to how long it rests idle in the garage? If you and your neighbour shared one, you would spend less money and the machine would get more use. You wouldn't have to spend the start of a season getting it to work. You could even lend it or rent it out to other people, which would spread your wealth and joy.

Traditional wealth reminds you that many things have monetary as well as exchange value. What you have and how you choose to share can also be measurements of wealth. The usefulness of an object brings you a kind of wealth in the form of convenience and possible saved time.  Keep your mind open.  Rather than toss real objects out the window, why not discard outdated or close-minded ideas? Doing so will prepare you to embrace new kinds of wealth and prosperity.


Drill a hole in your skull

What have you reinforced in your mind today? You probably didn't pick up a power drill and burrow a hole into your own skull.  You may find yourself increasingly open to learning and still, resist the idea of being taught. If you examine reasons behind your own feelings of resistance, you may come to realize it is not new information that makes you feel uncomfortable, but rather, how it is being shared with you and by whom.

Consider how you feel when someone tells you firmly what to do. The person may aim to show you what they feel is the best way, and assume you'll share this opinion and obediently do what is asked.  What kind of reaction do you get if you express a different opinion? Punishment or reprimand? Indifference? The reaction would depend on the role of the person teaching or imposing information and whether or not you respect that person. As a military officer, you would likely react differently than a school child to a parent or teacher.  Then again, maybe not? 

Consider what kind of connections you recognize among your experiences.  You may come to notice patterns in your behavior, how you choose to react or not.  Determine whether you notice any consistency in your daily behavior in relation to your deepest beliefs and principals.  Recognize whether you accept things you're told at face value, whether you're apt to question, or criticize others as a reflex.  Each reaction teaches you something about how you see yourself. 


Turn your life upside down

Some people engage in relationships because they sense that connecting with others as strangers, friends and lovers will provide a sense of completeness that they're missing. Some people sense a need to feel dependent on another person to feel fulfilled, to be able to say, "I am whole." But, wait a second.  What if your idea of needing others to satisfy a need is a self-created illusion?

When you decide you must discover something outside yourself, you're also assuming that you don't already have what you seek inside. Ask yourself if this assumption is not perhaps misplaced.  When you don't have something, what is it that causes you to decide you need it or must have it?

In terms of how you build relationships, consider whether you choose particular people to fill a perceived gap in yourself or, whether you choose people as a way to bring out the perceived talents and traits that you may already recognize within yourself.  Complimentary relationships are those which evolve with people as they evolve and recognize new things about themselves. 

Reflect on the reasons you develop or stay in relationships. Examine your emotions and how the people you surround yourself with influence your feelings and views of yourself.  If you desire for someone to make you happy or to fill some void in yourself, you don't yet realize the role of other people you meet is to empower and assist you to fill any voids you sense in yourself.   This revelation may turn your life upside down so you'll see more clearly. 

In a nutshell, all you receive in a relationship experience in the form of love, appreciation or other treatment, mirrors what you supply yourself.  As you realize you invite and receive a reflection of what you give, you will come to realize your sense of completion begins within you.  Someone else can help you recognize this, yet balance and perception start with yourself.


Unravel spiritual DNA

For scientists, DNA is the acronymn used for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid. Its the genetic material of a cell. Chromosomes that define your individual traits, talents and potential ly inside a cell centre made of DNA. Its very fine and tightly coiled material, and a whole metre may be squashed into a single cell. This is so small that you would be unable to observe it with the naked, human eye.

Optical mapping is a relatively new mathematical model that enables researchers to trace and recreate genomes. This is a modern undertaking to understand not only what we're made of and how we're put together, but also whether we can successfully rebuild and even clone ourselves. Some scientists believe optical mapping will provide cancer biology a faster, more cost-effective tool than normal DNA sequencing. As researchers seek causes of genetic diseases, their views and perception determine what scientific process appears to work, satisfy their curiosity or not.

To unravel spiritual DNA, you wouldn't add new genetic information into existing DNA or recreate what you assume is the map of biochemical DNA. Rather, you would seek to tap into your DNA with your mind and retrieve what you've always known but are not yet consciously aware. You can learn to unravel the knowledge inside yourself and also draw another person's attention to knowledge hidden in them. Unraveling spiritual DNA is supposed to bring you back to yourself.

According to Neale Donald Walsch, "all human beings are born with the wisdom of the universe imprinted on their souls." He explains we have 'Divine Natural Awareness (DNA)' which allows us to tap into things we have always known about ourselves, our purpose and the world around us. Deja-vu may then have evolved because of dormant knowledge and experience at your disposal. As you learn to access what you already know, you redefine memory and selective forgetfulness.