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Insight of the Moment

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You are what you perceive

Take a risk to see what you cannot see, to hear what you have not heard, to taste what you have never put to your lips, to touch and to feel what you have never felt.  What are the experiences like and what holds you back from exploring them even further than you already have? Who told you that you couldn't? shouldn't? or wouldn't?

Ask yourself why you cling to the ideas that you must fear what you have never done, regret what you have never said, feel guilty about circumstances you cannot change.  What prompts you to make your life more difficult than it is?

Permit yourself to feel all those feelings that may confuse or otherwise trigger sadness, darkness and hardship. Take a risk of letting go of control.  Discover emotions for what they are. What do you sense?  What do they teach you? Consider them all gifts which offer opportunities to learn.

As you take jumps and leaps of faith to explore what you don't understand, you will gain new insight into what you're capable of giving, receiving, creating and encouraging.  Take a risk to remove the limits you have unconsciously self-imposed. Break them down. They'll disintegrate. You may discover that these kinds of steps will re-integrate all that you are, and then some.

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Reader Comments (3)

Hi Liara,

Great post!

When you mention remove the limits of our subconscious self-imposed, I recall that Joel Osteen also mentioned that we also break the barrier of the past :)

Whatever it is, we must be better and better and better.
July 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAldian Prakoso
Hi Aldian,

Joel Osteen offers wonderful examples of how each of us can tap into our own subconscious power. You may enjoy reading his books and hearing how he originally became involved in motivational speaking. His life story illustrates how discovering one's life purpose isn't always consciously planned ahead. Even when we don't realize it, we're constantly developing skills that lead us closer to discovering and living our true purpose. Your soul is on a meaningful mission, even now.

If you choose, you can read about Joel and watch his sermons on-line here:
July 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara thanks for the Joel Osteen's website. I'll visit it.
July 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAldian Prakoso

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