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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Perspective shapes perception

A guardian angel can be a symbolic entity or real person who appears concerned for our welfare.  We need not know an angelic individual personally, but what we learn from them can teach us new meaning about affection, and open our minds to what it means to be aware and complete. 

I read a story about a devoted Australian mother with a zest for life who died of breast cancer three months after her twins were born.  Funny thing, during treatments, she actually said the date she chose to die and did as planned, after bringing in the New Year 2005. If she determined she completed what she had been born to complete, she may have shifted consciousness.  Her life experience enabled her husband to learn how we choose to live shapes how we react to what happens to us.  He evolved to view her life and passing with gratitude, not grief and pain. He became utterly peaceful and together, turned to focus on his creative energy and potential.

This woman I never knew reminds me love heals our souls and relationships.  Her life story also reminds me I am never a victim of my circumstances unless I choose to lie to myself about what I control.  My life has taught me I may sense that I'm a loving person.  Yet, the experience itself raises my awareness to new levels of understanding that compels a willingness to sacrifice.  Feelings are the language of my soul which I have opportunities to decipher throughout my life.

Another couple I met evolved from being discouraged and in debt in their twenties to becoming financially free in their thirties.  Listening to their life story, which concerns business success, has taught me we're not always consciously aware of what we want from ourselves or our lives.  As we meet people, we may become aware of what we had previously chosen to ignore about ourselves. 

This couple reminds me what I choose to experience expands my awareness of what is possible and transforms my reality.  I instruct my mind and create on a conscious level what I initially imagine.  Like guardian angels, this couple invites me to discover new insights accessible within myself.

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