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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Mistaken objectivity

When it comes to objectivity, you'll get exactly what you expect.  Complete objectivity is a fallacy. Nothing can be observed and also unaffected by the observer. If objectivity is your goal, then subjectivity will be your result. What you see or plan depends on how you perceive.  Even mistaken objectivity can be valuable where you discover different levels of observing yourself.

Goals are our friends. Whether we realize them or not, we may always learn. The more goals we set and pursue, the more opportunities we have to gain insight into ourselves. The faster we gain inner wisdom, the more we discover that everything has purpose, even our perceived mistakes. The more we identify goals, the more we realize that we repeatly come full circle in our results.

How you look at where you are enables you to stand back and learn new and different things about yourself.  Coming full circle means a you can experience repeated learning curves. Stepping outside your traditional judgments and assumptions may lead you to believe you achieve some kind of objectivity.  However, you still ultimately perceive yourself from your own views. 

Consider isolating what you really desire in your business or career, in your personal life, in your level of health and well-being, in terms of spiritual and other pursuits.  Then, identify what you sense stands in your way of achieving these goals.  Recognize your subjective influence means your goals, anxieties, fears all exist in your mind.  They characterize who you are through your moods, attitudes and opinions. You can always learn more about your own feelings and emotions.  They determine how you create, perceive, prioritize, disregard or realize individual goals.

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