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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Hear music of the soul

Right now, in the moment, you are ready for anything.  Come what may, you have to be ready.  Behind the scenes, you are the conductor of the whole orchestra.  You can read the music of the world around you and feel your own vibes.  Everything has unique sound vibrations. As much as you love your own music, you can also be inspired to thrive by appreciating good role models. 

Be aware every moment offers opportunities for new inspiration and breakthroughs in areas of your life. You may hold an idea or a vision, like a piece of sheet music in your hands.   Imagine you are conductor of Fantasia. Whatever you do or not is a masterpiece. Reflect on where the music of the wind is taking you, on where you would consciously like to blow in. Ponder who or what is to join you on this journey. The world within and around you is alive with energy and possibilities. How you live, where you go and how, is based on awareness of the music playing in your soul, based on which dimensions and alternatives you notice are open and available to you.

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Reader Comments (2)

I want to add a small suggestion into it...that is we create our realities best when we have enough/optimum pressure. Being a folklorist, I can easily express it with a proverb " Only boiled rice rises" Got the point? Recently, I was working on this line to express this fantasia as you mentioned it and here is a small group of sayings from all corners...

1.) If we thanked God for the good things, there wouldn’t be time to weep over the bad. (Yiddish)

2.) Almighty heaven is not indifferent to those whose hearts are earnest. (Chinese)

3.) Human life is like a candle. (Albanian)

4.) All is good that God sends. (Scottish)

5.) In this long transitory world, life is short. (Japanese)

6.) He who comes to terms with humanity must be a saint. (Polish)

7.) The saint who works no cures has few pilgrims to his shrine. (French)

8.) Be contented with what God has given you. (Philippine)

9.) He loses nothing that loses not God. (English)

10.) When the angels present themselves, the devils abscond. (Egyptian)

Some I found spiritual and equally inspirational. Hope you too had the same. If interested, you are welcome to learn more spiritual proverbs....

Good day,

June 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnn Joseph
Dear Ann, love proverbs. They are indeed wonderful teachers about our personal and culturally-ingrained beliefs. I integrate a number within the book 365 Paths to Love. Thanks for all the samples and the weblink. It is a great reference.

Also appreciate your reflection about pressure as a catalyst to create certain realities. Many societies teach this. Whether or not a person judges or watches in stillness, life still unfolds. Humans interpret based on thoughts or points of reference that are instilled and reinforced. hearing the music of the soul is about being attuned to what exists beneath layers of beliefs.
June 4, 2013 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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