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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in thoughts (15)


More than you could ever want

As you travel in a directionless direction, you experience more than you could ever want. That which you are is absolutely fresh.  That which you think you are is old and gone.  This is not a teaching or a belief.  It is a version of the dream.  Investigate for yourself without hoping, yearing, and desiring.  Thoughts about who you are appear within the mind of who you are. Silent awareness is alive inside.  It is aware of all dreams, all action and non-action.  It does not oppose anything.  It points to something you discover. Stop believing in anything.  Notice what happens.  Realize being.  Feel the nature of what draws you to sense what is. Who you are cannot ever be taught.


Be the real thing

To be 'the real thing' is to be here now, focused entirely in the present moment.  How does this kind of attention impact on you?  What happens to the mind and its influence on your life as thoughts cease? As you feel this moment, how do you move?

When you ask how to be present, the mind tricks you into focusing on the future.  The present already exists and passes during your inquiry.  Notice how the mind creates visions of dreams and prompts you to assume they are merely a future possibility.  What happens as there is no more motive or seeking? What remains speaks for itself.


Everything is temporary

Everything is temporary.  You can choose to make the most of where you are or not.  You can choose to feel satisfied with the nature of your current experience and retain some meaningful lessons or forget it all.  Nobody but you is responsible for what is happening, for what you are thinking and feeling.  You can stop and rewind the tape or let is continue in another direction.  Play it backward, sideways, even fast forward. What is it to be? What if revelations about what is temporary help you feel your way through what is unreal to sense the real?

"Everything [unreal] is temporary. Everything [unreal] is bound to end." -Keren Ann 


Move beyond the story

Now is the moment to recognize the story you tell and thoughts you create are not you.  They are not the source of your satisfaction or fulfillment.  Even as people and conditions seem to fall into place, they do not present for the reasons you think. You exist to awaken to the dream inside the dream.  You feel meaning beyond identification and expectation.


Notice what animals teach you

Many human beings allow ego to construct a hierarchy of creatures. Be aware of thoughts and other behaviour that appease mind.  Where do these ideas come from?  What do they block you from seeing?

What if every being and creature is equal and offers timeless teachings? Notice the universe offers many opportunites to be open and receptive.  Share timeless lessons you learn from the wild kingdom.

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