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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in teacher (9)


Appreciate the depth of illusion

If the urge arises to shatter all illusions faster, the depth of Earthly experience lessens. Notice what is flowing through the lens of experience as well as the self-created filters. Appreciate the complexity of the dream, why you choose to be here now. Every layer is a timeless teacher.


See what's universal

Everything is a teacher. It need not be a human. It could be animal, vegetable, mineral or anything. Note that as long as you identify something as separate from you, you reach outside yourself for answers. You do not fully trust yourself as your own authority. Watch what happens as you view everything as a pointer or guide to the universal message conveyed in all situations. What is felt?

All experience is an invitation to see beyond the mind that identifies an apparent teacher. Recognize what is beyond the perception of 'personal', 'other' or difference.  The soul is pure unconditional love and acceptance. It has no filters to distinguish between 'you' and 'them'. It only sees oneness.

Take the example of a mind's perception of dogs. A human can watch a small dog approach a big dog and bark like crazy. The big dog barks too. The human imagines a scenario; one dog is standing up for itself, defending territory or competing with another dog. Humans imagine confrontation.

From the vantage point of soul, dogs are an energy form that does not recognize difference in size, competition or fear as human minds do. Dogs recognize likeness and universal language unless conditioned. They recognize unique scents and see oneness. They echo love is its own best friend.


The message of wisdom

Wisdom cannot be repeated or learned through a teacher. Wisdom speaks directly through what you experience, through sensations. It is something you feel, not something you think or work out logically.  The unspeakable is forever within.  Seeing through the lens of wisdom is to see and appreciate things as they actually are.

Most often, you see things as you are, that is, you are conditioned to see only what the mind filters and wants you to see.  This is about how you perceive and relate to life.  Wisdom exists in the space between books you read and relationships you have. 

You may ask, "when is the best time to get wise?, who is the most important person?, and what is the key thing to do? Everything is now. Whomever you are with at a given moment invites you to show love and appreciation. If you are alone, this means you.  If you are with others, care.  Timeless wisdom is any pointer that evokes peace of mind, unconditional love and acceptance.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.


End your suffering

The emotion of disappointment arises when you resist surrender.  It gradually eats away at the ego. You experience a kind of suffering until you reach a stage when you accept another way of living exists. You are only willing to surrender to who you are when you reach a point where you have had enough.  You decide to end the thoughts and interpretations that create self-inflicted suffering.  As you realize you have a choice, you can decide to stop imposing suffering on others and cease your own as well. Every let down is a teacher.  Otherwise, you would not awaken to know suffering is over.  You discern infinite reasons to be and allow love.  You intuitively release patterns, peel away the old to reveal something new.

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