I am excited to introduce you to Jason Gregory. I originally connected with him through his books and Inner Circle Publishing. He beckons readers to recognize how they cahoose to be more or less conscious of who they are and what is unfolding spontaneously in the Moment. He is currently on tour in Australia. Watch out for him. Thanks for being and connecting with the world through Dreambuilders Australia for an informal chat.
Great to be here.
What prompts you to write and share Way of the Weirdo with the world now?
At first it began with an urge to share with the world the knowledge that I came across on my own journey, but in the end as I began to deepen my understanding of the 'self', that was what I know needed to be shared which is higher than any knowledge we could learn. The most amazing thing about the whole process is that the timing of my book may seem to coincide with our troubling times. Yet, it was as if a script was being played out. As I began to truly understand more about my being, a piece of our cosmic puzzle came into manifestation through this book.
What a great way to recognize you are stepping back to allow the universe to reveal itself! This is an invitation to everyone to appreciate the role of spontaneity. Now, why choose Inner Circle Publishing? How did you find them?
The name of the publishing house speaks for itself. As I was in the process of looking for a publisher, I stumbled across InnerCircle Publishing not by chance, because the relationships I have built with people such as Chad Lilly have been nothing short of divine in a sense that a lot of the same views on life are shared by both Chad and I.
I resonate with exactly what you are saying about ICP. Its not something I put into so many words but, every encounter and experience presents with perfect timing. It's like you only recognize and love that in others which reflects a part of deeper self. Everything invites you to see what the heart already knows.
How does your first book differ from others that also share material on subjects like conspiracy theory, UFOs, quantum physics, God, and consciousness?
It differs in many ways. It is the first book ever to take the reader on a journey that is almost story like of their own existence through not only the external world, but also within.
What makes you sure its the first book to do this?
As I guide the reader through the pages of Way of the Weirdo, he begins to understand the interconnectedness between conspiracys, UFO's, quantum physics, God and ultimately consciousness. With all of these understandings, the reader discovers the ultimate truth behind all existence at the core of every being in the universe. In this single truth it differs from all books as it does not shy away or bargain with what we believe is happening in the outside world.
Although your response is helpful, it does not respond to anyone who feels nothing is happening or to the view that more than one perspective exists about what is unfolding. Good of you to leave questions unanswered to tempt readers to take the book journey for themselves...
Why do you choose the term ‘weirdo’ to describe someone who is dedicated to thinking for himself when the cultural perception is someone who is ‘odd, eccentric, or even psycho?’ What statement are you making about judgment, unconditional love and self-acceptance?
I have always had a love for the word 'weird.' It represents something that sticks out or doesn't fit in with the normal automatic model of life. The cultural perception of some words is distorted into a negative form which reflects our collective consciousness at this moment in time, but if we could see that 'weird' actually means something that is strange to its environment then we could see the beauty in that, and that is why I chose the word "Weirdo" to refer to those who think outside the box and also the ones who are choosing to evolve.
Love how 'weird' is increasingly viewed as the new 'normal.' Also appreciate how you invite everyone to recognize being real is simply loving people as they are, without judgment or comparison. Always a joy to feel messages in silence!
Right! As for the second part of this question, a "Weirdo" doesn't really have to make a statement on judgment, unconditional love or self-acceptance, because a "Weirdo" moves past judgment into accepting others and ultimately into self acceptance which leads to the purest state of unconditional love for all beings thoughout the wonderful cosmos.
In interviews for this book, you claim to be an expert on your life. Why do you mean by this?
It is very simple, yet a path that is very hard for many to traverse.
So it is said. People are often conditioned to make complicated what is simple. What would you say is required to be a person of substance? Or is everyone already a person of substance but the truth is not always accepted?
Exactly. All this invites readers to move past what is not 'you', to embrace of who you truly are.
How do you respond to 'In Lak'ech' (I am simply another you [with no other])?
Way of the Weirdo invites readers to let go of dogmas that have been impressed upon pure nature. The illusion of ego perpetuates the false reality of separation.
For the benefit of our readers, 'Separation from...'
From what is not 'truth.' Once false realities are released, you will know what the "self" is and thus gain an understanding about all existence. To be a human of this substance is to let go so completely that nothing remains, not a name, not a country, not a religion or even a race or a sex, but just to become who you were before it all.
In other words, a shift of attention can be useful, away from the personal to focus on the universal.
That's a great synopsis.
I love how awareness invites recognitiopn of the same universal message in everything. Your book is a wonderful example. Its as if the universal message is to let go of all barriers the mind constructs to deny, ignore or overlook that consciousness unfolds without 'you.' Awakening happens by itself. Eureka! The universal is seen and felt as a common thread in everything from this moment.
Amidst all that is going on for you, please share three lessons you learn in the process of writing your book. How does this work affect your evolution?
Many lessons were learned in this experience but the three main lessons were to have patience, trust and to remain in that pure space and not be pulled into the world of desire where suffering is born. These three at the time reflected who I was during the process of creating Way of the Weirdo but as time has past these three have become my friends as I have patience not only for others but also for myself, I have complete trust in the universe and I am free of the illusion of becoming somebody, which is interesting when you look at the analogy of "everything comes from nothing." So it is interesting when one lets go of being somebody and steps into being nobody or no-thing, everything is born from there. Creation is the same on all planes of existence.
Please share your view on the current and evolving states of Humanity. What do you envision? What shapes this perspective?
I believe we are exactly where we need to be in our evolution.
'Believing,' 'Knowing' and 'Being' speak for themselves in direct experience. The book implies each is his own authority. Why is direct experience crucial?
All of the chaos and all of what we see as immoral is all supposed to be happening at this very moment because of the simple fact that we are changing into a different state of being. So what I see is that we are beginning to understand more and more about the very nature of our being which will naturally moves us into a unified world of harmony.
Can we actually 'understand' nature or, is it more a case of letting go of the desire to understand that allows something else to reveal itself?
Currently, we are [Humanity is] enthusiastically dissecting the physical world which in the end will lead us into the hidden truths that lay behind all existence. We have seen this in science recently with the discovery of matter as condensed energy and the atom, yet it has been within most spiritual traditions since the dawn of existence. We have been looking in the wrong direction for thousands of years, yet with the ever increasing exploration of consciousness, we will find the truth behind our own being and that reality itself is not something divided by space but united by it as one reality.
As is said, all paths lead to Rome. It is also possible to let go of judgment, see no right or wrong, cease pushing and pulling thoughts that hold attention, and view everything as unfolding perfectly, would you not say?
How can this book be a tool for readers to decode their perceptions, thoughts and feelings? How is it helpful to read about views on subjects like suppressed history, esoteric knowledge and possible origins of Humanity?
Way of the Weirdo doesn't just address the collective but it spends majority of the journey focused on the individual, which is centered around the growth of that human who is the key piece in the evolution before us.
Is not every individual unique in and of himself?
This book will help self growth because it delves into the deception of the world which the ego created in the external, which is one of the main facets of the ego to keep truth locked away especially on such issues as suppressed history and knowledge of the Self. Once this is explored the growth will begin, because the individual will realize that it was they themselves who have perpetuated this illusion, so they are dealt a choice to find out once and for all what the "self" or who the "self" is.
You describe having studied Buddhism, Hermeticism, Hinduism, Taoism, Theosophy, Vedic Philosophy and Zen Buddhism. What stands out for you amongst all these teachings?
Difficult question to answer especially considering most eternal teachings are just that eternal. All of these ancient traditions are rooted in the fundamental truth of the universe, yet that truth looks very different to the intellect. One of my favourite teachings is Lao Tzu's The Tao te Ching which is a book you could read in its entirety in one afternoon yet contemplate for a lifetime. The Tao te Ching is a book that is felt rather then intellectualized, it speaks to something else that dwells within all of us. That which it speaks to is the eternal self (Atman) in Vedanta, the Non-Being and way of Zen in Buddhism, the 7 Universal Laws in Hermeticism and the Tao, because they are all one in same. When one "knows" what all of these are refering to, then you will know the way, which is actually the translation of the word Tao.
This list of books you share as a partial guide for your own journey is itself a generous gift. In a way, when the student is ready, everything is a teacher. As you imply, tapping into Divine Love makes one true to himself. Its like releasing all that is outgrown. Are you aware of any particular story that stands out?
For myself, the story of my own journey was to stop intellectualizing these texts, and instead begin to live their wisdom.
So be it! Throughout this interview, you offer delicious glimpses into your new book. Would love to ask further questions sometime. For now, what message would you like to leave with our readers?
To solve all of our problems on this planet, rests on you discovering who you truly are, and thats all. No need to protest in the streets, no need to fight the bankers, corporations or goverments, just find out who you truly are behind the viel of your own conditioning.
Direct and to the point. Love that! Why do you sense every man does not yet see himself as he is? More often, it seems a person sees things as he is.
We have heard it throughout the ages "Know thyself" yet we do not understand the truth behind such a simple phrase. The true freedom one can experience is eternal with no boundries and that cannot be found in the external world. It can be found within your own being beyond the illusion of the mind. Then and only then will that freedom be reflected into the reality we love so much.
Quotes are widely appreciated at Dreambuilders Australia. Which one stands out for you now?
A wise man once said, "When you seek to find your Self you will find God, and when you seek to find God you will find your Self." When people understand that truthfully within, then they will know who they are and peace will be the outcome.
Love that. In fact, heard it used a few times and also hear it echo repeatedly within. It reminds me of a quote by Ram Dass who says, "Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying." Everything comes full circle.
Before you go, where can people learn more on you, your book and ongoing endeavours?
People can find me through the "One World Within Network" which consists of my website and social networks. Way of the Weirdo can be found worldwide through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million and many other book stores around the globe. If anybody would like to contact me here are the links for connecting with the "One World Within Network" , http://oneworldwithin.com/ http://www.youtube.com/OneWorldWithin http://twitter.com/oneworldwithin http://au.linkedin.com/in/oneworldwithin or find me on facebook or email me jasongregory@hotmail.com.au
And don't forget those Random Acts of Awareness videos compiled by by Inner Circle Publishing Authors and Chad on YouTube. Your contributions there are stellar too!
Again, Jason, we are grateful you share these insights and look forward to reconnecting somewhere or nowhere. The videos and reflections you offer this world invite increasing awareness and a shift or expansion of perspective. That's a big thing. You remind us more than one way of perceiving and experiencing exists and its of immeasurable benefit to be open and receptive.