Tap into inner wisdom

Regardless of your current situation or focus, you create it to learn and you are ready to access inner wisdom. In this moment, you may hesitate, hearing different voices that beckon your attention. Perhaps you know what its like to feel torn, to question or self-doubt. After all, how do you know what is the best guide? Consider these tips:
1) Know the value of waiting:
"Do you have the patience to wait until the mud settles and the water is clear?" Can you wait until the right action arises by itself?" - Lao Tzu
2) Be aware of what you think and feel:
"You must know what you are feeling. If you don't know what you are feeling, you will create (or act) unconsciously." - Gary Zukav
3) Notice everything can be reduced to love versus fear:
"only two emotions exist in the Physical Universe - LOVE and FEAR. All other emotions are just variations. LOVE is the emotion associated with a 'knowing' that everything in the Universe is an expression of a singularity (i.e. God) and is therefore interconnected, whereas FEAR is the emotion underlying the perception (i.e. illusion) of being separate from God." -Alex Paterson
4) Recognize love does not rationalize or argue
"feel the presence in your heart, and to know that this presence embodies the blessings, compassion, energy, and wisdom." - Sogyal Rinpoche
"There is no fear in love but perfect love drives out fear." -1 John 4: 18
5) Identify the choice that is true to who you are:
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood." -Marie Curie
"Don't try to understand love. Move into love. Then you will know and that knowing will come out of your experiencing." - Osho
6) Recognize what brings harmony to heart and mind:
“Follow the Eightfold Path, that is to say: Right view, right aim, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness, right contemplation.” -Buddha
7) Detach from outcome:
"Those who are attuned to the truth, remain balanced and detached forever."
-Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Notice who's worldly wisdom stands out for you at this moment. Everyone is a mirror inviting you to listen deeper to what the spirit echos. Consider universal wisdom speaks through everything. Notice what you are ready and willing to hear of the truth.
"Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying." -Baba Ram Dass
Reader Comments (4)
1) know the value of waiting
When the mud settles and the water is clear, the mind has been emptied. From this place of quiet, one's true vision then begins to appear. One no longer searches to have their dream come true...... the dream simply continues to unfold in each consecutive moment.
2) be aware of what you think and feel
If one is engaged in the connectivity of the moment, then they are feeling fresh and authentic. With the clearer mind attained from such a Taoist perspective described above, one can then decide what to do with thoughts that arise at any given time. They can be watched from a distance and be seen to dissipate, or they can be blessed where the pattern is broken, and where such released energies can be directed back to source or to be directed into one's dream vision. Therefore, negative energy is then transformed into a positive and conscious directive.
3) love versus fear
does a feeling or thought or situation allow you to feel expansive and open and liberated and excited where one is coming out of a hole into a sense of wholeness....etc.... or does an event make you want to hide, feel knoted, feel contracted..constipated and closed down where one's senses are sentenced and convicted as if one were suddenly imprisoned.
4) Love does not rationalize
When one is engaged in connectivity or divinity, nothing is rationed. There is only abundance. There are no justifications..... or trains of thought..... or pieces of the puzzle.....only the presence of wholeness where the spark-plug of spirit forever ignites.
5) Identify the choice that is true to who you are
In a place of truth.... no decisions have to be made. One lives in the flow of what Is the perfect design and liking. There is then no more conflict of having to choose.
6) Harmony to heart and mind
When one investigates how words resonate for one's self, one then uses the words wisely as in the eightfold path to bring forth or summon what one feels or wishes to design or engage with. With words now working for the individual, they can develop the faith and the knowingness that the world is unfolding in one's own image or from one's very imagination. With faith fully operational, then there is the sense of harmony created from an open heart and a peaceful mind.
7) Detach from outcome
When in the flow or in the moment or touched by God or surrounded by stillness....... one's dream is ever-morphing and changing from a changeless place. There is nothing to look forward to because everything is here right now as one is open to love and interchange.
1) patience is unnecessary (as nothing is ever happening)
2) awareness is unaffected by anything (including thoughts & feelings)
3) love is all that is
4) everything that is not love is designed by the soul so you see through it
5) (as you imply) 'being' makes no choices, it simply is
6) harmony and joy are what you are. Investigating distracts from being.
7) the changeless needs no reforming and is not results-oriented.