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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in presence (45)


See what is 

To see what is, is to see through the layers of the mind that prevent seeing with the heart.  One knows limitless being and free flow.  Yet, the mind would have you imagine and focus on limitation.  Many influences keep attention focused on what is not.  When you are driven by personal attention and gain, you miss more than subtle nuances.

The natural state of being carries no message.  It is like space without memory, without beliefs and attitudes. Nobody is being silent.  Time is unaccounted for.  Recognition of an unbroken flow is objective seeing. Actions unfold without you.  What is does not change only your perception and acceptance of what has always been. It senses the effortless presence that is available to you when your eyes are open to it.


The now is complete

The now is complete.  It is beyond time and space.  To exist now is to know one is always in the moment.  Consider when you skype and on-line chat with people apparently in different countries time-zones.  Consider when you listen to archived radio shows or recorded audios and videos. The interaction is always in the now.  Your physical body is a cellular memory.  It grounds itself in perceptions of events that are imagined on a timeline.  Allowing direct experience to unfold is to see being and allowing are inseparable.  Allowing energy to flow is to feel you are being and it is you.

One is unlimited now.  To fully embrace this is to allow fearful thoughts of not having, not being, to drop away. To think about anything other than now is not an issue unless you decide this is real.  Thoughts about sequential events act as points of reference during perceived moments. Yet, one is always present here and now. To merge consciously in the now is to resolve, in this moment, any thoughts that would have you believe you are less than you are. Wholeness is synonymous with now.  All is perfect. 


You know how it feels

Everything is coming back to you.  You know how it feels to be present and focused.  You feel what its like to be a witness.  You are increasingly seeing the world as it is, not as you are.  What stands out in your experience?


Feel simplicity

You feel simplicity through what it is not. There is no pride, no character, no ideas that obscure the view. Simplicity is reflected not in absence, but in presence and complete acceptance. It is a knowing all is perfect and improvement is unnecessary. It is content to live moment-to- moment, to allow spontanaeity to be its guide. Simplicity is a not imposed, but allowed or resisted with the flow. It is discerned as division between conscious and unconscious dissolves. Simplicity denies nothing and speaks in stillness.


Here you be

And so, here you be, discerning the vibration that has you convinced of a particular reality.  What stands out in the mind at this moment? How do you feel your way back to the essence of being beyond the stuff? Share a perspective of how you view things as they are.  Notice what you feel about detached observations.  Reflect on the influences that shape your sense of self.  You already transcend them. 

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