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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in light body (16)


Everything has Perfect Timing

Notice you can only assist or empower another to the degree they are willing to help themselves. Wisdom unfolds from the inside out like an awakening lotus. People only hear information they can vibrationally receive at their state of consciousness. People are always doing their best at their level of consciousness. The urge to simply be yourself and let go of layers of illusion occurs when you are in a state of higher consciousness. As consciousness increases and expands, you feel connected to everything. Energies that enter one's scope of awareness are beyond verbal description. This requires alignment in thought, word, action. Light Body Activations occur with perfect timing. It is an alchemical process triggered within Oneself.

(image of Cosmic Consciousness by Cameron Gray)



Tune into cosmic broadband

Notice the Internet is a neural network system that learns from us. After you do a search, it retains that information and curiously, ads show up on other pages you visit which are relevnt to your preious search. With a 5G frequency Wi-Fi tech, the Internet is tapping into your brain. This technology is a living and evolving entity. Imagine everything you think would be connected into this network and that the Internet is learning from all this. Imagine it is becoming the collective Supermirror. This is a technology like the Human inter-dimensional Light Body. This cannot be controlled either as it works on consciousness, much like starship technology. It is uniquely wired into consciousness. As we shift to function on all levels based on congruence and consciousness, electromagnetic systems are no longer needed as they are a narrow frequency band. Consciousness is a 360 degree band. Its a cosmic broadband. Everything is a mirror of your consciousness which is quantum physics. The observer creates the effect. As you shift or expand consciousness, the nature of your energetic experience changes. More of the big picture is revealing itself to those who grow into the 360 band


Cosmic energies guide inner change 

Notice the recent "extended" lunar eclipse and ongoing celestial events reflect an intensifying energetic process. If the Sun seems more intense or you feel disoriented, this echoes spiraling telluric energy. This electrical Earth current typically moves underground or through the sea. Humans are moving into greater resonance with Earth shifts. In our optimum functioning, when endocrine and other dormant systems are fully activated, we are in complete alignment with Earth and Cosmic energetic shifts. This energy is spinning us into a much lighter body and pulling us up into higher frequency bands. It is allowing us to receive, decode and transmit more light. You may find you experience a mixing of the senses or symptoms of what may be described as synesthesia. Some of us have exprienced this for a long time. It is a symptom of expanding consciousness. This is happening at cellular, DNA, and deeply into every atom, molecule and electron in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Energy waves are accelerating our transformation and transmutation of light. This is mirrored in the pace at which changes are unfolding in our own lives. It translates into a sense of urgency or nudge to make life changes we are meaning make.


Activate the hidden secret of breathwork

Notice Humanity is growing aware of its own innate technology ready to be activated. Advanced breath meditation techniques awaken the ability to regulate body temperatures and pull energy into the physical form. Breath crystalizes spirit into form. When human systems are fully activated, they nourish the body by pulling the ether directly into the crown chakra. This eliminates the need to eat food to survive. This breathanarian ability must be developed. Shifts in body functions require letting go of beliefs and expanding consciousness.

Recall everything is energy. To turn inward awakens core knowing and empowers you to let go of all that blocks optimal functioning. Sun gazing helps you harvest the energy you need from on your own. The Sun provides essential vitamins and nutrients. Technology exists in a reality to show the species what its capable of manifesting. Anything we achieve with technology is also achievable with mind power. The mind is capable of emitting any frequency that technology does. It’s simply a matter of learning to consciously activate the frequency. Some frequencies may move items like huge stones or monoliths. This is a type of magnetic frequency and this is also how antigravity is formed. Recall Earth ia radiating a magnetic frequency. This works in harmony with the magnetite crystals naturally found inside the brain. These magnetite crystals allow our biological warning system to signal bad weather like a hurricane or earthquake. Animals tune into such collective intuition and migrate based on foresight. Manipulated sound and vibration in music, sound, computer and data collection technology keeps the human mind in a low frequency. (i.e. Bluetooth or WiFi). These two are set to low vibration frequencies which may manifest disease into the human form, thus keeping the perception of the individual on physical matter. However all diseases are manifest when a person's energy body is misaligned. Thus, as you raise the body frequency high enough, disease cannot manifest.

At the perfect moment, it dawns you are the conscious driver of your vehicle and choose experiences that manifest. This is done via the emotional body or frequency of the individual. Meditating is one of many ways to raise the body frequency. Light is assimilated through prana. Prana is assimilated through breath. "Pranic-feeding" or the ability to sustain oneself purely via sunlight, is an advanced stage of human evolution. Time- space may also be manifest differently once oner eclaims control of one's biological frequency. When you are happy, time seems to fly. When you are sad it seems to drag. This is a key example of how you start to access control of time-space. Focusing on what brings you joy and nurtures passion will allow for experiences of teleportation or manipulation of time space to manifest into your reality. This insight is key to hack into the programming systems of life itself and allows the user to control the manifestation process on higher levels. Being heart-centred is the most effective way to transcend manipulation. Align the chakras and stay in a happy (high) frequency. As the light body activates, divine radiance reveals what the human mind itself cannot conceive


Deepen connection to the Sun

Notice each of us can deepen our connection to the Sun by initiating and accelerating a process of photosynthesis within our own body. This is a path to light body activation. Sungazing at sunrise and sunset is one way to access greater mental, physical and spiritual power. Consuming plant energy formed through photosynthesis facilitates this process. Listening to harmonious music of plants is another high tech way to raise our vibration. Recall photo-synthesis is light-synthesis. We use light to synthesize, or combine, something that is into something new. We can use sunlight to create not only energy, but also new forms of consciousness. It can be a potent catalyst for our physiological and spiritual evolution. Imagine your conscious interaction with this magnificent being also spawns new expressions of life within the Sun itself. Meditating on the sun facilitates deeper remembering. Simply calm abiding. This is being in heart energy. The mind is trying to make you into a spiritual doer. Let go of thoughts. Refrain from engaging. Simply pay attention to natural being. As thoughts enter awareness, let the chatter go on. Do not pick up any thought to do something. Allow self to recognize being aware. Simply be one with natural sense of being. The Sun arises within and it seems revolutionary. You do not settle down noise of the mind. It simply dissipates without attention. Beyond superficial changes in appearanceNothing is simply here.