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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in lessons (11)


Raise your awareness

Every moment offers infinite opportunities for knowing to arise in crystal clarity.  What do you feel as you begin to recognize order exists in chaos? What resonates within as you intuit every living thing is an extention of source energy that is you? 

You exist to experience different cycles, lessons and lifetimes as part of the process of raising self-awareness.  Every choice you make and do not make invites the mind torecall God (or how you relate to this) gave you all that is.  Imagine the resonance as you intuit you are this source energy or cosmic ocean, that gives everything to and through all.  How does it feel to be everything and everywhere now?  Stillness speaks.

Consider the soul is never content with less than total recall. It takes form in the physical body to engage in Earthly experiences and intuitively senses the truth it cannot name.  The ego-mind comes to call it love, fulfillment, satisfaction and other concepts it comes to avidly pursue.  Ultimately, nothing and nowhere are where is at and the revelation that the formless truth is everywhere. Everything is a stepping stone to unity. 

 "So powerful isthe light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth." -Baha'ullah


Everything is temporary

Everything is temporary.  You can choose to make the most of where you are or not.  You can choose to feel satisfied with the nature of your current experience and retain some meaningful lessons or forget it all.  Nobody but you is responsible for what is happening, for what you are thinking and feeling.  You can stop and rewind the tape or let is continue in another direction.  Play it backward, sideways, even fast forward. What is it to be? What if revelations about what is temporary help you feel your way through what is unreal to sense the real?

"Everything [unreal] is temporary. Everything [unreal] is bound to end." -Keren Ann 


Identify that turning point

When an event stands out and you feel confused or get emotional, this is a turning point.  Much like pop singer Bruce Springsteen, you know how it feels to take One step up and then take two steps back. As you hesitate or stagnate, hard lessons jump out.  Are you noticing patterns or history repeating? Are you ready to get the bigger message and move on to new lessons

To shift from going backward to moving forward, imagine what it feels like to stop judging yourself or others and sense you are every aspect of the experience.  Even now, you are gradually freeing yourself from being controlled by the past, by perceived pain, from from the idea of assuming everything that appears to bother you is separate.  The energy of this thing/ event guides your movements, the acceptance of deeper feelings.  You only cease resisting, or release whatever holds you back when you begin to accept your role in everything. Watch what happens as you begin to see yourself in the mirror reflected by that which irks or saddens you most.


Dan Millman & Extraordinary lessons

Dan Millman is a former elite athlete and author who has gone through many levels of transformation.  You may be familair with his books includeing Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Secret of the Peaceful Warrior and Ordinary Moments.  His  advice and stories about raising awareness invite inner transformation.

If you are familiar with Dan Millman's life story, books, or the Peaceful Warrior film, you are invited to share lessons or impressions from this.  If you are unfamiliar with him and these works, you are invited to learn something about him and comment about something that stands out for you now. 


Why did you come here?

Humans are energy beings that incarnate in physical form. They do so with specific intentions often forgotten at birth for reasons they can awaken to uncover. In fact, humans expend years figuring things out, and may still remain usatisfied. The timeless phrase "who am I?" begs that very question.

If you evolve to believe in reincarnation and shape-shifting, infinite dimensions expand for deeper exploration. Soul travelers pass through realms defined by color, sound, light and other energy forms. Some dimensions seem empty or unused.  A sense of space and purpose arise from discernment.

This said, other non-physical worlds exist, whether or not you believe and experience them.  Some defy description in human terms. Interdimensional travellers open the mind to options other beings deny exist. Some places are visible, others purely tactile. Perceptions expand exponentially when you transcend fear. Keen acumen expands. Until one reconnects with being, universal situations and other realms elude your faculties.

How would you respond to the revelation you filter experiences where you are and only selectively recall to conscious awareness details most relevant to your current body and conditions? What if structure and design of spatial dimensions is based on your energy vibration or, how you detect and accept energy? Share your views about why you think you incarnate in the body you have now. Consider these ideas;

1) To explore impulsive behavior.

2) To experience physical sensations and reactions.

3) To expand the undercurrents of love and compassion.

4) To realize degree of movement relates to attunement.

5) To challenge boundaries and perceived limits.

6) To complete unfinished business.

7) To prove speed, time, space and direction are not definitive.

8) To sharpen reasons for gratitude and appreciation.

9) To lighten energy density.

10) To transcend what does not matter.

11) To complete a soul assigment.

12) To redefine what it means to acclimatize, adapt and grow.