Grow into a wounded healer

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
Contact us (paperback)
Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Sometimes we can even intuitively choose to strike up conversation with someone we have seen before and just feel as though the moment is right to connect on a different level. This describes how I was drawn to chat more with Julie Cardillo. She enters my life more and more and shares some insightful wisdom during this interview. Thanks Julie for the willingness to share more of yourself here. We all benefit fro sharing what matters.
You are welcome.
Why do you get up in the mornings? What really motivates you?
My daughter, is why I get up in the morning …. comforting ,compassion , hugging , encouraging her, listening , playing, all those things ….thats what motivates me…it is ALL my whys in one.
Love this response. Its a universal one, an invitation to love ourselves, to love where we are and to see that love mirrored in all that makes us feel good.
How would you describe your unique gift? When did you grow aware it?
Helping people uncover the truth about who they are - particularly those who feel helpless, vulnerable who have been through the trauma or disconnect of not having a relationship with their parents from birth.
I have lived the experience with being adopted. My own journey through that created some trauma and wounding around the mother - daughter connections and father- daughter connections - so I want to help others heal from that.
I can relate to your calling. It is said we are meant to teach what we exist to learn. To know peace, we must teach peace.
When did you become a healer? What guided you to your current focus?
I’ve always been a healer, but just didn't know it. My experience , my journey , I AM living it every day.
What an astute observation! So often, we are taught to grow into some dreamed-up version of ourselves. This distracts our attention from and acceptance of who we already are. Thanks for shifting the focus back to our true essence.
Please share about Sister’s Circles. What are they? How do they benefit participants?
I was drawn and called to this work , it was just a matter of time before I really stepped in …. you always find the right teachers when you are ready.
Exactly! Love that quote frm the Tao Te Ching "When the student is ready the teacher will appear... and when the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear.
For me, the sister circles was about creating a community of women, who could come together and bring their experiences to be, seen,heard and loved; To provide comfort,compassion and courage to uncover their own truths (The good , the bad, the ugly …so to speak...)
Sense this kind of a community appeals to more and more women. Many people seek a safe space to share openly. The group you describe sounds very powerful.
As it happens, I have some friends in Sydney involved in a regular men's circle. The men present are often surprised about the synchronicities that arise during group gatherings, of the delicate topics people ease into and the deep connections forged through openness and transparency.
What would describe as your greatest challenge? What did you learn from it?
Resistance - in all of the above , stepping into my own truth , into who I am and owning the fullness and the hugeness and the bigness of that , and allowing myself to be vulnerable and sharing the challenges and experiences that I have had throughout life.
I am still learning from it , I’m am defiantly still growing from it and with it
Indeed! Awakening has different stages. We are each experiencing different sides of ourselves, different levels of consciousness.
Where have you witnessed significant transformations in you and others? Tell us about a few examples…
My everyday life with sharing what I love; Zen Thai Shiatsu, Sister Circles , yoga, and all the other loves of mine that blend and shape shift throughout my life, the goodness from all of this ripples out beyond just me …..
Name 5 things you would want with you on a deserted island. Why these items?
Hmmmmm …My daughter ……
Funny, I asked my husband this same question and he began to rattle off his list , a rope, flint, knife , then he asks me what I am going to take … so I would defiantly take him , because he is so practical and is taking all the good stuff (ha ha) , to provide shelter, food, warmth , he allows me to bring the fullness of who I am out in the world .
So all up probably just the above...
If you could write a letter to be left to a future incarnation, what 3 points would you be sure to include in that letter?
Have comfort in knowing that you are loved
Have compassion with yourself , through the challenges and the experiences
Embrace all of who you are
Have the courage to chase after your dreams
Be true to yourself , be true to the process, be true to your dreams,be true to what is loving and kind to you.
( ok that was more then 3 --ha! ha! )
Who has highly-influenced your life at different stages?
My dad, with his humour and compassion, his courage and truth - he is such a top bloke , I love him very much ! He's a great mate as well !
When I was travelling there was a young african boy, when we were in Malawi - he was orphaned from Congo but living with his aunt , he would come and visit everyday and each day he would ask me to take him with me home to Australia - he had no idea where that was and I was in my 20s living in London at the time - he just wanted to feel that safety , comfort , compassion, warmth and help, HE reminds of my why - I still think about him and what I want to inspire in others to do.
I have many mentors/ friends that have impacted my life in so many ways and still inspire me each day to be who I am fully.
If you could leave some advice to our readers, what would it be?
BE true , Be all of who you are , step into it
Do you have any upcoming events and/or books you would suggest we look into? (Even if u are not the facilitator/author)
My next next round of The Sister Circles starts in August.
I also work one on one with my Zen Thai Shiatsu Bodywork sessions for anyone who is looking for more personal space
Keep and eye out on my socials for new workshop/retreat dates
How can people contact you?