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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in guilt (8)


Re-examine ignorance

Many people define ignorance differently if they are speaking about themselves or someone else.  You may view your own ignorance as innocent yet someone else is guilty of their own ignorance. Notice a difference. How do you judge or reprimand? Some people are harder on self than they are on others. What are some possible reasons for your choices?

Consider why people focus on things they believe they cannot do.  In some cases, they even fight about it. You may view this as selective ignorance of potential or, you may simply notice discordant energy. Different levels of awareness affect perception of what you choose to see and feel right now.

Ask yourself how you avoid being present in the moment and what you are becoming in future.  To be present is to have a mind which is empty of thought, fear, judgment, everything. Some people are convinced they are complacent if they do not find reason to feel anxious. What brings you inner peace?


Release the guilt

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.

Dream: I was in a second floor of dank prison with a soundproof door and walls. The window had bars to a colorless, dirt courtyard. A dark man in my room squeezed through the bars to escape into fresh air. I felt this person was guilty of a crime, but I resisted calling the guards playing poker next door. Part of me wanted him to escape. I sensed the guards would not hear me call. I got the attention of a hot, black prostitute wearing red in the yard. She got the attention of the guards next door. They came and set me free. I was puzzled.

Steps:  (1) Reflect on details highlighted by your senses
            (2) Identify what content stands out
            (3) Notice the landscape, color and associated feelings

Interpretation: You are smarter than you think. The mind can seem like a mental prison. The very nature of ego is to instill guilt. This is bestowed on you as a child., the idea you are separate, unique and different. Your suffering depends on judging. You come to feel guilty for inclinations toward love, sexuality or anything you want that is natural. You are taught certain thoughts or behaviours are unacceptable in the external world.  Your nurtured action is to instill guilt (fear of not being loved) in children and other people.

This dream echoes you punish the self unnecessarily. Regardless of what you may have done or considered, it calls for unconditional love.  In truth, there is no such thing as guilt.  You only experience guilt because you think you are separate from what you want.  The fear of not being loved is unfounded.  You are love incarnate in a body that forgets its own being.

Notice your dream captors are gambling. The mind is leveraging some kind of wager.  Who are you playing against? Consider perceived adversaries. You may fear imagined consequences. Ask yourself to reflect on your understanding of 'risk.' Are your worried about losing identity, tarnishing reputation, changing values, principles or beliefs? You have risen to new levels of self-knowledge but do not yet feel comfortable with what you sense about your core urges and unexpected creative or other freedom.

Colors evoke intense emotions and certain ones stand out. Trust your intution about your own associations with color. Black is often viewed as negative, evil or a reflection of depression. Your conscious self urges you to eliminate dark thoughts. Red can represent things like love and passion, sexuality and life force. Reflect on the themes of resistance and surrender, where and to whom? You are the judge and jury.


Love can heal anything

How often do you hear people say something is wrong in the world or in the lives of other people? How often do people discern opportunities to heal misunderstandings within themselves? Some human beings are not yet consciously aware of the nature of their misplaced beliefs. The power of expanding love can heal anything. Consider these points;

1) Judgment- Judging is the ego mind's reaction to soul telling you aspects of inner self require attention and healing. You unconsciously awaken to hidden fear. Love is many things you progressively discover through experience.  It offers grace, mercy and recognizes unacknowledged virtues of every soul.

2) Negativity- Being negative results from rather twisted conditioning. You unconsciously grow to model what you are shown. You may also be resisting mentally some inner truth or past experience you find difficult to grasp. Love offers feelings of warm attachment to uncover and soothe hidden wounds.

3) Indifference- When a person evolves not to care, to feel apathy, this can be the absence of emotion or conscious suppression of feelings.  It may result from denial of pain or choice not to feel. Love infuses feelings of appreciation and reason to develop different sensibilities.

4) Rejection- Refusal or denial of what is results from ingrained beliefs.  You rebuff what does not fit your comfort zone. This shapes conscious behaviour.  Reactions shift energy balance to imbalance. Love offers insight into experiences of unconditional acceptance and absolute compassion.

5) Guilt- Guilt implies you believe right and wrong exist and you believe you have done something wrong. Love offers complete understanding and forgiveness, as well as deeper insight into hidden intention for self-blaming.  The impulse to attribute fault emerges.  Self-love helps determine the why.

6) Hatred - Extreme aversions or hostilities draw attention to inner resistance. You may have one view of reality and refuse to accept other views. To develop negative energy about anyone who refuses to agree or appease your ego, is a habit that can be healed.  Justification and excuses for anger need to be dissolved. Love offers affectionate concern for all creatures and difference.  Love recognizes equality.

7) Anger- This suggests hidden grief and other unacknowledged feeings.  Anger takes form in bursts of displeasure or indignation. Yet, people rarely get angry for reasons they assume. Love offers kind reasssurance, goodwill and benevolence to encourage a person to look deeper for real reasons for anger and reactions to conditions.

8) Fear- Distress or perceived threats arise based on expectation. Love brings you back to the present, offers heightened awareness of the moment and reasons to dissolve unfounded apprehension.

9) Doubt- Distrust about uncertainty means you snese reasons to feel unsettled. Love offers reasons to reinforceunwavering faith, trust and enthusiasm.

10) Dissatisfaction- A sense of lack or void is grounded in the physical world and reminds you that you forgetvalue to be found in a spiritual perspective. Love offers what is truly needed to satisfy the needs of the soul.

11) Relationships- The state of your relationships results from an absence or presence of positive energy.  Love offers tools to help you uncover reasons for your feelings and the nature of your interactions. This provokes you to view your thoughts and behaviour differently.  It also empowers you to learn new things about your unconscious sense of commitment and intimacy.

12) Impatience- To be deluded by the notion of time is to give away inner power. Love offers reason totranscend illusionsof human perception. You learn toassert loyalty to timelessness. This shifts your energy focus to formless realms. What happens nextgoes beyondimagination.

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