Notice for some, joy may seem out of reach or not experienced regularly in daily life. What is your experience of happiness for no reason, that which is embodied, open, energetic, alive? Does anything arise? Were these passing states? Is it just a state you imagine when you feel stressed and seek to get somewhere else? What is required to tap into it as an enduring part of our Being? How often do we celebrate simply Being right where we are, come what may? How often do we sense beauty and tenderness? Aliveness and openness grow more accessible as we open and value the whole of existence. Its like shifting awareness from viewing life as a problem to solve, into seeing life a mystery to experience. Do we feel obligated to feel joy or is it spontaneous? In the same way, to commit to realize full potential, empathize with the suffering to around us makes us feel more connected to our world. It is also part of our commitment to being whole to feel open to loving the world as it is. As we cultivate presence, this natural capacity within each of us, we actually cultivate paths for joy. Being open to light-heartedness happens as we pay attention and cherish all of existence. The quality of life is experienced in proportion to allowing our capacity for delight to guide us. This is a gift we give ourselves as we pay attention. Joy happens. It arises from the simple experiences; jumping into piles of leaves, tuning into the scent of a flower, the wind blowing on our face, a snowflake landing on the tongue, the taste of a strawberry. The experience of joy is so-life giving that it feels natural to find joy in everything from sunrise to sunset and all that unfolds in between.