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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Imagine awakening now

Imagine awakening to a world where everything you sense and perceive is like never before.  Memories no longer guide your choices.  Emotional reactions and judgement no longer cloud your view.  Clarity is what it is.  You no longer see things through mental filters are, but as they are.  You live in the moment, taking everything as it comes,  Appreciate the messages offered.  As you listen to the heart, open up and life to the fullest.

"However, anyone to whom this happens should not leave his room upon awakening, should speak to no-one, but remain alone and sober until everything comes back to him, and he recalls the dream." -Paracelsus

Inward balancing is underway

Imagine how your life unfolds from the moment you realize you exist ight now to discover who you are.   You are what you think so if you act with an unclear mind, you are the root cause of the result.  Feel what it is to step back from your conditions and see them from different vantage points.  What do you notice?

"A sharp mind is not enough.  You must poduce results." -Master Choa Kok Sui


Expand your vision

In life, how often do you allow yourself to experience frustration, impatience, or other apparent roadblocks when you are looking? To visualize something in the mind is to allow it to take form and shape in ways the mind can pin down or understand. You may not realize that you are conditioned to view the world and what is unfolding not as it really is but through your own filters of thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Consider this perspective:


A curious monk asks a MASTER, "What is the Way [to see]?"

"It is right before your eyes," said the master.

"Why do I not see it?"

"Because you are thinking of yourself."

"What about you: do you see it?"

"So long as you see double, saying I don't and you do, and so on,
your eyes are clouded," said the master.

"When there is neither 'I' nor 'You,' can one see it?"

"When there is neither 'I' nor 'You,' who is the one that wants to see it?"


"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
-Marcel Proust


Breathe easy

Notice how it feels to breathe deeply. What are you doing when feeling calm or exhilarated? What could you be doing differently? What would you like to change here or leave as is?

Regardless of what you are doing or not doing, the heart must pause to breathe.  In the gaps between the thoughts,  the light of the sun flows forever through you. Allow the winds of life to inspire, energize and pass through you.  Breathe easy knowing you can release yourself from any perception.  Stand tall.  Everything that matters creeps in.  All else is already gone.

"...see without looking...hear without listening...breathe without asking..." - W.H. Auden


Life turns around quickly

Amazing things unfold in life.  Notice what happens as you keep all options open and allow yourself to notice what is going right.  As you do the best you can where you are, you begin to realize, there is no such thing as purposelessness.  Here and now is where your future is being made.  Watch what happens as you make use of what you know to help others with kindness and good intentions.  Doors are already opening in directions that you could not possibly imagine. 

Notice true freedom exists outside your comfort zone.  This is not a state of mind but a state of being.  Be aware of your habits and expectations.  Let them go. If ever you hear yourself using the words "wrong" or "mistake," catch yourself.  In truth, nothing is ever wrong with you.  All experience is just that.  You may simply not allow yourself to see it. This revelation is some kind of wonderful.  Life turns around quickly as you remove the clouds blocking the silver lining.

"Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold." -Maurice Setter