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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in acceptance (117)


Sense the presence of the cosmic witness

The cosmic witness is understood as the universal source; omniscient, omni-present, and infinitely guiding remembering.  It is not separate from you.  Consider these 10 steps to ascertain and sense the presence and of the cosmic witness and what it is not:

1) Awaken to your own ego-created desires that exist at the root of your suffering.

2) Step back from the insatiable ego & illusions you create to reinforce perceived problems.

3) Reflect on underlying reasons for your desires, hopes, fears & attachments that create the above. 

4) Notice the nature of ingrained beliefs  that prompt you to self-judge and imagine what is not there.

5) Recall cosmic consciousness is the core state that re-aligns you with true nature.

6) Explore why the mind imagines limitation, inadequacy, reasons for insecurity & loneliness.

7) Let go of beliefs which are themselves conditioned mental delusions.

8) Practice forgiveness of self and others then realize reasons for forgiveness are illusion.

9) Recall the feeling of "right action" & be what it is that reinforces who you are.

10) Realize that every choice impacts perceived self and the whole universe.


Access the energy you have

You may not realize you currently access energy you can use for inner healing and development work.  Everyone has options to balance anger and acquiescence, love and fear.  This cannot be done by denying all states are part of our being.  As you choose to integrate polarities, balance is achieved.  You decide whether you are driven by individual forces or recognize you have the power to choose.

In truth, complete honesty and openness means the willingness to accept potential for all feelings.  To deny anger is to draw angry or violent people toward you because balance creates itself.  To contribute to  a more peaceful planet, you must be willing to re-align with serenity within.  This implies you grow aware of and cease self-criticism and judgment.  As you sense and accept any enemy is only a self-reflection, you shift perception, begin to heal karma and rebalance patterns of the Earth.  Its all part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


How to make the most of now?

You could choose to see the bright side of where you are and your current circumstances. How often do you do so? Some people are the sort that bring sunny optimism with them even when its raining.  Other people seldom view anything positive in moment. What about you?

Imagine how your life feels as you detach from the drama, relinquish grudges and other hard feelings, and simply choose to see beauty and love inside self and others. What happens as you decide to sense advantages and blessings in all your choics and also to be aware of why you make them? Why focus on such intentions?  You decide whether to make the most of now and also how this translates into being.

For some people, this means cherishing every moment they are given in this lifetime, choosing to laugh off annoyance rather than allow self to get angry, doing more with less, cutting back on extraneous activities and detaching from relationships and conditions that no longer resonate with how they feel.  Be aware your choices reflect priorities.  Pursuit of material things, discrimination or complaining about where you are not or those choices that trigger continued discomfort, may lose their appeal. What happens as you make new choices?

Notice every choice you make is creating experience.  The clothes you buy, the food you eat, the people you connect with, the places you live, the physical things you use, the affiliations you create or discontinue, all of this reflects how you feel inside.  What messages about self-acceptance ordissatisfaction are you sending? How closely are you listening, hearing? Even now, you choose to Transform your life.


Harness the power within

You may not yet realize that the power of love tranforms fear.  The world is shifting due to your evolving perception, your gestures and your reconnection to and acceptance of all you are.  Ask yourself how it feels to expand into many aspects of your true self.

Imagine that the only thing that you are ever judged on is how you love or why.  This is not about falling in or out of love.  It is not about platonic, romantic, sexual or other external perceptions or expressions of love, but returning to awareness of higher selves.

Consider that as you allow love to flow its natural course, you are choosing to use love to overcome fear. You are choosing to attune and align with intuitive guidance, to sense the power you have within. This is about awakening to the way the universe responds to your behaviour.  Call it karma or or structured energy.  You choose to catch glimpses of unfolding Cosmic Synchronicity. 


What does it take?

What if you do not have to be anywhere? As you realize you are not going anywhere, you suddenly know you are going nowhere. Consider why you feel increasingly impatient as you are. What is this telling you about your states of mind and being?

Part of you may be asking, what does it take to change? What does it take to be yourself and accept it?  What is required to give up the masks and illusions? Some people are ready for this stage and others are not. To be focused on ego prevents you from transcending.

From the higher perspective, limitation does not exist. Evolution does not happen. You are slowly tapping into the vision that is you.   What are you giving representation to right now? All of this remembering is the road to aligning with Cosmic Synchronicity.