Soul view of intense energies

Notice as energies intensify, the common (3D) assumption is that feeling tired, emotional or imbalanced points to stress, strain, over-extending, hidden physical issues or other things "wrong" with us. Yet, the Higher Mind or Soul invites us to see everything differently.
Although being taught to seek quick fixes and advice may be helpful at times, as we tune into Soul, it dawns that our innate abilities allow us to recognize another view: that we are actually recalibrating energetically. We have choices how to respond.- to allow or resist. Where ego sees signs and symptoms evoke fear and negativity, Soul sees them pointing to trust, follow intuition, inner knowing, so we function whole-heartedly by listening to languages of the Soul.
Higher Self or Soul sees our energy, state of mind and conditions, echo our harmony or incongruence with true Being. Resistance to letting go of outdated beliefs, perceptions and life situations, implies we unconsciously perpetuate old ego-driven patterns, including conditioned ways to deny or repress our own needs. Increasingly intense energies reinforce we must address all untruths and denial.
One cannot heal neediness until recognizing what neediness and insecure attachments are, why they emerge within, how they take shape in our relationship with self and others. Only by bravely deconstructing our own self-created illustons can we build a secure foundation that echoes our current state of growth and frequency.
Soul views physical tiredness as a longing for connection and intimacy with those of similar frequencies, something beyond the everyday limited reality we have been taught is real. In this way, our fatigue and intensive energies, point to doorways of new realities. They open as we consciously listen to soul guidance and merge with our Highest Selves. This requires reclaiming our power, making new choices congruent with the frequency of the Highest version of Self.

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