Step through the curtains

If you wish to move into a new place of freedom, you allow yourself to be happy and free regardless of what is unfolding in the perception. The very thing you are creating is releasing that which you outgrow. You are unlearning, coming to unknow yourself. The new things you are discovering change how you view Self, how the world seems to be unfolding. Every moment you are changing your relationship with Self, your understanding of what you are. Let go of what the mind seeks to grasp. Bask in the uncertainty. Step through the curtains with eyes wide shut. Whatever comes up reflects what you are now letting go. Brace yourself. Give birth to a new version of you.
Reader Comments (4)
We can dance down the street as others look on in amazement. We can belt out a song to the supermarket check-out person. We can just sit in wonder of a tree or a patch of grass smiling at the sun.
Each moment is a leap in to uncertainty that lets us remember it really all is in The Now.
Just this morning I was reflecting on a long-held perception I have held about two particular people, and I realized that I may have been wrong.
I'm dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now, and I believe the uncertainty is part of my lesson. I'm even torn about posting here. How funny.
Anyway, my job is about to be eliminated, but I don't know when, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to pack up and take a leap of faith toward the midwest, where my beloved is, or if I am supposed to ride out the storm here. I've done things to set events in motion for the midwest, but I am not prepared monetarily for a move this soon. I'm a little freaked.
Whatever comes up---- I don't know what you mean here. What do you mean 'comes up'?
I'm wondering if for me it means letting go of fear, since that's what I am strongly aware of right now.
"The biggest risk ever follow-up"
" The biggest risk ever follow up #2" and
"The biggest risk ever follow up #3"
In essence, an individual makes all his own choices and everyone serves his greater good. You determine your own lessons. I reached a stage in my life where I moved 18,000km to follow my heart and discovered uncertainty is the only predictable thing. One lesson that stands out for me is that the more I trust my heart, the more the universe gives me reason to trust. Its about surrender. Some people say, 'let go and let God'. Imagine the revelations if you come to feel God is you in physical form. Every experience invites letting go of fear you imagine into being. Every experience draws attention to to what degree you allow fear and resistance to control you. Rest assured, all is always going well. You may simply not yet allow yourself to see it.
"If you listen to your soul you will know what is "best" for you, because what is best for you is what is true for you." -Neale Donald Walsch