Nourish yourself

What does it mean to nourish yourself? How do you know if you are doing okay?
On some level, whatever you do or do not do serves you in some way. On another level, being conscious and making connections between thoughts, feelings and behaviour enriches your life. Which life changes do you wish to bring about?
Notice that as you know how balance and harmony feel, you are in position to truly help others help themselves. When something does not feel right in your life, this also invites closer attention. As you focus on the joy arising in what you do, and even when you do nothing, you notice the right thoughts and right choices come naturally. You are what you eat and what you think about too.
Reader Comments (3)
One is also then nourished by connecting to the object of one's attention. If one accepts what they see or feel, then they are soulfully nourished and tap into Love once more. This connection then sustains life. If no connection is made, then life is being drained. If one eats in depression, there is no nourishment in the occasion. One's battery then drains till it can be charged again by accepting the light.... the communication.... the spirit.... the message... in any given situation.
I love Plato's quote ... so so true - we need to rise above the naysayers or remove ourselves from their influence ... dirt - now I'll remember that differently ..
Thanks - Hilary