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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Notice your predispositions

As you open to notice your own predispositions, you are empowered to see through and peel them away.  As awareness grows, some people sense the nature of their illusions and realize nothing exists to change.  Imagine that.

Some people tend to think optimisitically or pessimistically, one frame of mind at the expense of the other.  Reasons exist for every inclination and also why people forget both exist together for balance.  Noticing difference and duality is part of the process of sensing intrinsic value in every perspective and merging them back into one.

Each person is invited to discern what is meant to be in the background of consciousness.  The mind distorts perception and shifts focus away from unconditional love and acceptance to trap you in visions of self-interest. 

Remembering how it feels to be honest draws you to intuit the right response in every situation. This is part of Self-disclosure.  Note you are not responsible for reactions of others. Give them strength, love & detachment.

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Reader Comments (2)

I have noticed that some people get headaches or migranes when they are torn about what to think about something. Its as if an old thought and paradigm or predispositioin is entrenched and a new way of proceeding opposes a previous intention and cemented position. Its as if yin and yang are stretching further apart concerning a certain frequency of operation. However, we can bring the pessimist and the optimist together, which may reside in the same person, allowing both to proceed forward in a harmonious sense of being. Duality then fuses into Oneness, and both halfs no longer have to walk on a razor's edge. They no longer worry about slipping or sliding down the left or right side of the slope. In essence one then learns to fly above such fears of falling one way or another. Sides and predispositions are no longer taken.
Bern, physical symptoms reveal underlying phenomena. Human beings are conditioned to notice superficial (physical) rather than spiritual (energetic/ ethereal) explanations for what is observed. In truth, many levels of energy are interacting and imbalance invites a person be aware and choose to re-align what is not seen or understood by the limitations of the mind. Energy medicine and other complimentary perspectives help reveal new levels of interconnected being. Open-mindedness means being willing to step outside what is taught.
January 16, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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