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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in understanding (24)


Develop deeper understanding

It is said no person is born bias-free.  You may dream of nurturing perspectives other than those which focus the mind.  You may wonder how to work through your perceived belief systems and discard ingrained assumptions.  To be aware you have them may compel change. After all, you are self-determined and have power to shift the focus of your life.  Everything is a matter of perception and choice.

It can be helpful to explore and learn about people and situations.  Personal contact with people, traditions and ways of life that seem to differ from your own offer additional insight and realizing individuals are more than representatives of a stereotypical group reminds you of a common humanity.  Choose to sense deeper connections beyond distance and opposition.  Consider factors that can help you eliminate your own bias.  Reflect on your taste preferences and choices.  What do they reveal? How does it serve you to revise perception?


Be kind to yourself

When was the last time you truly noticed how you treat yourself? Listen to the words you use. Are you kind? Are you understanding? Do you accept, resist or reject what is happening? Do you get easily uptight? This is an invitation to care.

Open your heart.  Allow yourself to feel your way through the inner messages you are sending. What if every time you communicate to the world, you are actually inviting yourself to love more unconditionally? Laugh uncontrollably.

“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.” 

-Mother Teresa


Return to the fullness of being

More and more people are noticing the experience they would describe as life is not the truth. Who you really are is unrelated to perceived fear and chaos. Notice how you come to believe and grow dependent on aspects of the external world.  What if you let go of any message unrelated to your core perfection? Everything you feel  invites you to return to fullness of being.  What does it mean?

Every thought, word and deed that you engage in reflects the truth and knowing you already have.  To sense this is to move to a new level of self-understanding. That is, love is communicating with you through every experience.  You are invited to find the source of light, to be that light, and illuminate the darkness represented by any obstacle or negative feeling. As the natural self lets go, you bring no resistance.  You no longer deny the state of true self.  Everything is effortless and you remember.  You begin to notice everything.

Imagine for a moment, how your life evolves as you shift how and what you perceive.  What do you choose to see and choose to decide does not exist? All experience is a reminder to love unconditionally the self and others, to notice the reasons you create to convince the self not to do so. The ego mind is a catalyst for revelation and self-directed learning. You can choose to align how you think and feel within the self, to let go what is not you. You can consciously choose to notice elements of Cosmic Synchronicity.


Trading places, spaces and identities

Okay, so you're having a hard time understanding someone's behavior or point of view. What are you doing about that? Maybe you ignore the person and hope he or she goes away. You could request clarification, but the person in question may simply repeat what was already said and leave you confused or frustrated. This is an invitation from the universe to gain insight into yourself.

If you wish to better understand someone, you have other options. Imagine you trade places. That's right! Pretend you're the person with whom you disagree. If you were in this person's shoes, how would you feel? What would your motives be for a particular opinion? What do you gain from being inflexible? What does this say about your personality? How do(es) culture, social role, religion, age, gender and life experience influence your perception and attitude?

As you ponder answers, you begin to see new points of view. You begin to see that the anger, fear or resistance are simply layers of illusion to be peeled away. What matters is you open the heart and show compassion. Listen to what someone is really saying. Words and gestures are smokescreens.

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