No such thing as coincidence
Saturday, March 31, 2007 at 4:42PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Emma Bull, Guardian Angels, alpha thinking, coincidence, instinct, life coaching, synchronicity


You may believe in 'being in the right place at the right time.'  Yet, is there really such a thing? Some people think that what happens to you is directly related to what you choose to see or what you're ready to see happening in your life. If events are unfolding all the time, why is it you feel compelled to approach certain strangers, to notice and apply for certain positions, to attend a specific meeting you saw advertised for the first time on a community bulletin board? 

There may be no such thing as coincidence, but rather, a sense of evolution that enables you to take heed of useful information.Who knows, if you don't feel quite right about someone, guardian angels may even act to draw your attention to some hidden element of fraud.  Who or what triggers your sixth sense? What if everything you notice has perfect timing?

We feel compelled to walk and take other action at particular times because of instinct. And yet, there may also be an element of faith, or clues which draw our attention to incidents we initially brushed past, thinking they were insignificant. While exiting from a movie theatre, you meet a stranger who turns out to have something in common with you and you make a new friend. Do you ask yourself, "what are the chances?" When you realize you forgot your wallet and have no money to park, yet discover someone has left a paid hour, do you assume this is your lucky day? If you have a disagreement with an employer,and find yourself redundant with rent to pay, what happens when you find a new job the next day? Does it mean something is looking out for you?

Such incidents raise questions about your belief in yourself and your ability to move ahead in your life. Invisible helpers may indeed open doors and windows of possibility without you knowing. It's up to you to develop self-confidence and alpha thinking to know you always receive what you need.  Contact us to explore our tailored options for life coaching.

"Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys." - Emma Bull 
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