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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in self-discovery (9)


What are you looking for?

As you participate in this world, you are invited to explore all the sensations and delights you can imagine. This gives life to the dream. Discover what you are truly looking for.

1) Appreciate the element of surprise. Notice you cannot consciously surprise yourself. Yet, it is through jolts of surprise that the most life-changing experiences unfold. Surprises are priceless. Who is the knower- creator of all surprises? Who is the experiencer? 

2) Listen to a sound. The whole point of mantra is that they mean nothing. The idea of repeating what is senseless is to liberate you from the notion that the universe means anything. 

3) Be open to Satori. Be totally selfish or continually altruistic and you come to realize you only come to realize yourself through the other. He that loses himself, finds himself. He that would save his life, would lose it. Revelations all point to the same message. Life is a teacher.


Be the change

Most people approach life as if it offers them something they need to get. Notice why you may persist in thinking you lack in some vital way.  Imagine the feeling arising at the discovery that life is more about letting go and getting rid of things.  Declutter the mind and declutter your life.

Life is like an exercise in realizing how you trick yourself into believing what is not real. The key then, is to simply be the change you wish to see.  That is, stop talking about some dream as if you would like it to be part of your future.  This is not about becoming, it is about having confidence to embrace all you are offering yourself.  You cannot help but be here.  Know you lack nothing.    Practice awareness.  Allow yourself to see what is at hand.  Nothing never ceases to amaze.


Inward balancing is underway

Imagine how your life unfolds from the moment you realize you exist ight now to discover who you are.   You are what you think so if you act with an unclear mind, you are the root cause of the result.  Feel what it is to step back from your conditions and see them from different vantage points.  What do you notice?

"A sharp mind is not enough.  You must poduce results." -Master Choa Kok Sui


Find your own way

From this moment, you are conscious of certain choices and life conditions that stagnate. As you stop thinking, you begin to notice what the physical senses miss.  You feel what comes naturally.  The indescribable draws attention to awareness of cells.  They invite you to find your own way, to listen more closely to better understand what is unfolding within you.

As you attune more closely, you hear an uplifting voice within offer new solutions to issues the mind imagines into being. Inner sources of inspiration are forever accessible.  They guide you to awaken, to accelerate momentum and to expand beyond measure. Notice how it seves you to explore thoughts, the power of word and behaviour. As you choose to shift focus away from your unlimited being now, you appreciate the process that enables you to feel the power of emotions.  Recall how to release resistance.  Come back to full awareness of a bigger reality.

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