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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in remembering (54)


Liberate from the projection

Some people are unaware they are a facit of consciousness that forgets its unlimited nature.  Imagine why consciousness ignores itself and longs to be free.  Reflect on how your perspective shifts as you realize you are already everything mind echoes you do not have.  What blessings do you discern in the process of self-forgetting? Are you familiar with sensations of the unthreading of confusion?

As you sense you move into a perspective of expanding transparency, you open states of remembering. People begin to recall meditation is not something they do, it is the natural presence of consciousness they are. From the vantage point of ignorance, the person is what you are and meditation and love are things you do. As you flow into deeper understanding, meditation and love are what you are and the person is what you do temporarily.  Ego is an optional activity that reconnects you to soul. Shifting states is part of Cosmic Synchronicity


Take everything in stride

Every experience enables you to touch on reality and refresh a sense of well-being.  Of course, you can also choose to continue forgetting what you choose not to remember.  As you recall the real you is beyond the body, you begin to recognize everything is changing states.

Now, some people view dreams as echoes of waking states.  Other people do not grasp a difference. As you sense everything reflects degrees of your imagination, whatever you choose to see and experience, you do. You are there in happy mind.  Its Cosmic Synchronicity.


What if you open your perception?

Wherever you are right now, consider how your perspective shifts as you choose to open to invisible or great mysteries.  Balance and harmony exist inside everyone but sometimes people forget.  How do you empower the self to reconnect with qualities that may hide?

Notice what kinds of symbols and behaviour reinforce and mirror yoru perception.  How is it reflected back?  Being true to your inner essence sometimes requires a process of remembering and forgetting.  Even now, you take steps to transform your life experience.

"Humans see what they want to see.” -Rick Riordan


Attune to your own vortex

Many human beings experience the physical world based primarily on mind-based conditioning.  That is, they take in information and come to understand their reality through teachings absorbed by the mind.  An example is you model how you feel in each situation to what you have seen or been told unless you choose to behave differently.  Something within echoes you have infinite choices in any situation. What if you feel you no longer mirror what is taught? What if you begin to sense energy vibration within and around you?

To feel you are more than external perception of mind invites you to reconnect with the inner perception of the heart. As you remember how to feel your way rather than think your way through experience, you also awaken to an inner light or vortex of energy.  You actually have complete control over how you feel at any moment.  How you feel is a choice.  You decide to feel good or bad, or neither.  Every choice has a teaching you intend to learn.  Every choice brings you closer to aligning with the vortex of joy or not.

Sensing your vortex allows you to tap into inner knowing about who you are, why you think and feel as you do, and how contrast helps you. You expand, gain insight into feelings and insight into how to heal layers of self. Its all part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


What if everything you sense is off-line?

Picture it: everything you sense or perceive is not the truth.  How do you take that? Do you laugh and say, "I knew it was all some kind of comic game orchestrated by that oversoul!" or do you perhaps feel completely bewildered and wonder when you can get off the amusement ride? What you choose to gain rom this and all experience, or disregard, begins and ends within you right now.

Every moment is full of opportunities for new revelations. You can discern how the mind comes to view the physical world in a certain way and realize that perception shifts as you choose to open to what is offered.  Consider the analogy of a computer on or off-line.  In this light, you may begin to sense the brain is a receiving station to takes in information  from physical worlds, and also from beyond.

This is all such an incredible series of experiences you choose to feel, judge, label, or release. In some sense, the real you is slowly being recharged, remembering how to tap into universal energy and knowing. You already sense you choose more than Cosmic synchronicity.