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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in life (56)


Feel the point of it all

A common question asked is, 'what's the point of it all-- simple life experiences, the suffering, and emotional highs and lows?'

Consider the possibility that the meaning of life, the point of any given experience, is whatever you make of it, no-thing but what you decide. That implies responsibility.  What if you could feel your way to love or a message about it, wherever you are?  

Cease to believe in something and the image or memory vanishes. Your surroundings themselves materialize and change or disappear based on thought- feeling energy.  All you encounter is a different version of you requesting love and acceptance.  You are a cosmic chamaeleon. See it all as it is.


5 Ways to savour life more

Imagine how your life feels as you discover ways to savour life more.  You have more energy, enthusiasm and zest for all you are engaged in. You enjoy being wherever you are and it shows.

1) Appreciate something in everyone.  Notice everyone is a teacher inviting you to see deeper into your true self.  Every encounter is divinely orchestrated with a divine purpose. 

2) Recognize you are the source of your own sunshine.  Some people allow changing external weather to affect their moods and outlook on life.  Tune into the source of light within and joy is ever-present. You either stand in the way of the light or get out of your own way.

3) View everything as a stepping stone.  From the moment you can appreciate everything is guiding you to revelations, you value impermanence and the experience of detachment.

4) See everything as an expression of love or a call for love.  Every gesture and event that crosses your radar screen is a test to for you to recognize the message of love you are sending yourself. Discover no-body actually exists only love speaking to and seeking itself.

5) Accept you are a master illustionist.  Everything you create on this holodeck of life is conjured up through the power of your cosmic imagination.  Be in awe of the universe.  The power of thought creates all you perceive and what you overlook cannot be described in words. 


This moment is always fresh

Regardless of what appears to you to be happening, how you view this moment is always fresh.  You choose how to view unfolding events in your life.  You are the judge and jury, the observer and silence. It is always possible to step back, view things from another angle or turn the page.  See what is beyond apparent roadblocks.  Be aware of what you are not seeing, why you resist.

This moment, you are given the chance to make something of yourself or nothing.  Be bold.  Envision what would take your human experience beyond imagined limits.  Fearless living takes being human to a new level.  This life is about removing all that prevents you from seeing you already soar.  God gives you the gift of life.  What you do with this life is your gift to him and you.


Experience this timeless moment

Pay attention. Notice how time controls you and how you can experience timelessness. Some people stop wearing a watch or consciously shift focus of attention. Know time does not have to control or define you. Notice time only shapes and limits your life, if you allow it. You are not at the end of a process. You are the process, the original force of cosmic explosions, unfolding and expanding forever. You are the energy of the universe beyond definition.

To truly start to see things as they are, go into them. Be them. Feel what vision is as Soul. See the brilliant light of the cosmos in everything.  You evoke light in it all. BEing who you are, you call into being the light of everything. Be the timeless light.


Live life to the fullest

Be aware of what feels good, of what  enables you to feel you are living life to the fullest. Imagine that you are fulfilled every moment of every day.  What are you doing or not doing?  Every choice you make is a way you invite yourself to see the bigger picture. 

View every situation as a trigger for a smile. Every choice is a gentle nudge to love where you are, to see reasons to lighten up and love whatever arises. You only ever whisper, write or speak to yourself through everything you perceive to be happening.  Note you can always appreciate everyone, laugh at the little things, and laugh at yourself.  Laughter is release of resistance, a way to ease into the flow of this moment.