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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Why its not what you think

To think about conditions does not mean you understand the mind or the point of the current exercise in a stage of your physical existence.  You may dwell on something you do not have or wonder why something is happening to you now.  Human beings do not always choose to be aware of answers available right in front of them. Why is it not what you think?

1) You say, "I cannot see it."  Another way to view this is you are not ready to create, uncover or accept the answers. Maybe you unconsciously look in the wrong place out of fear or, ignore a cluttered mind. Every thought evokes feelings that shift your focus from core emptiness and peace.

2) You harbour misunderstandings.  Some beings assume they do not deserve unconditional love. The origin of doubt, resistance and surrender is the same. Hear sound and become deaf. Think but remove ego. When seeing, become selectively blind. Layers of sight denote degrees of self- acceptance.

3) You make and hold what you do not see.    The perception of things creates noise, distractions.  Letting go releases everything you associate with a particular thing.  Attachment does not permit you to see or hear clearly.   To reach a state where you do not hear mental noise, you are free.

4) You recall everything is impermanent. Reality is self-explanatory. You decide if you are coming or going.  You decide which lessons you require and orchestrate the most meaningful ways to teach self effectively. Everything has already come to you. When the senses cease to be reckless, soul self turns on inner light. Remove filters from eternal sun.

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Reader Comments (4)

1) People are conditioned to look up answers in the encyclopedia and to listen to so-called experts in a particular field instead of just sensing the situation for them selves. People tend to believe that their answers to questions have to be in alignment to current trends or perceptions within society. They are conditioned to add pieces to a puzzle in a linear fashion instead of unleashing one's personal creativity in the moment which follows no rules or guidelines. People feel they will be accepted and therefore loved if they follow the footsteps of another. Society doesn't tend to reward thinking outside the box, so people are afraid of being unloved if they do not conform. Therefore, they become blocked from loving themselves.

"Hear sound and become deaf. When seeing become selectively blind" Nicely said. Poetic. People tend to lock into one stimulus at a time, thereby shutting out the rest of the world instead of hearing and seeing how they are connected to other sounds and patterns in the environment in this very moment.

2) People tend to think that if they see something once, they know what it is about and just store it and lock it away within the mind creating some background noise. However, the things we witness and label have evolved since we last observed or experienced them, so the information a person once thought was accurate does no longer apply. Energy is always shifting, including ourselves. Our state of mind changes with every breath we take. Therefore, we become modified with each moment. Assumptions based on the past are essentially invalid. There is only now to witness and observe. Therefore, past judgements that create static in the mind should be released to see how everything is in relationship to one another in a single view.

3) Let go and blow with the wind watching what surrounds you at any given moment. What we lock ourselves into or grabs our attention is an issue or a concern that will have to be eventually dealt with, whether it is perceived as positive or negative. The result of the lesson will be the letting go of what was picked up.
April 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBerndt

1) Courage is always accessible within each and energy being. Selective amnesia takes many forms. Ego has motives. Fear is the core issue. To realize infinite love comes for the Source enables a person to detach from a false security and the illusions of external approval.

2) Whenever the mind rushes, the soul stops to smell the roses. This is why the priceless qualities and energy vibration of this living being are felt on varied levels. When physical and spiritual align, this is the happy medium, the Middle Way, that place of floating in bliss.

3) Human beings raise awareness as they realize why they create drama. One may consciously believe one has more than enough or, does not need any more drama. And yet, unconsciously, one recreates reasons for tension, discomfort and frustration because one still identifies more with the outer body than the inner soul. As a being relearns to feel the vibrations of inner body, one no longer turns elsewhere in hopes of reconnecting with what matters. To fight against signals and messages of soul is to deny what is. Wind blows. Silence shares its wisdom.
April 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I am still uncovering layers that I know are there but have not yet seen. I am enjoying the process.

Thanks for articulating a lot of what I have been experiencing.
April 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterC. Om
C.Om, to choose to savor every step of regaining core consciousness is to appreciate love in layers you see and do not see. To remain open is to be receptive to unfolding energy, your transformation and infinite benefits.
April 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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