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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in hyperthinking (1)


Detect subtle teachings

To feel dissatisfied with a way of life or set of conditions raises your vibration higher and alters how you choose to receive and respond to information. No instructions exist for this choose-your own adventure.  As you listen closely to inner dialogue, ego loses its hold. You step into a courageous place.  You awaken to the power of the inherent serenity and love of the essence of being. This etheric energy is the real you.

Each opportunity to deepen levels of understanding reminds you that you are on your own.  Everything is a teacher.  Every choice strengthens the spirit seeking freedom of expression.  Notice what sustains and what silently chips away at your projected character.  Notice that you increasingly feel things that offer no physical proof.  Inner being reveals it has awareness, real sight and intuition and awakens hyperthinking.