Close gaps between you & you

Notice your focus of attention. Looking for love, stability and security outside yourself creates a gap between how you view self here and who you really are. You exist to create your own experience and contribute to streams of consciousness. Beyond the physical senses, you tap into innate nature or inner knowing. Your unwavering connection to the source energy is the dominant vibration that guides you. Do what feels good and you allow who you are to reveal itself fully and close the gap you imagine into being.
In essence, every choice you make enables you to remember how you create gaps in conscious awareness of the truth. Every thought and emotion is an opportunity to tune into who you are and feel things into alignment. You become more due to positive feelings and things you do not see. When you dream, you withdraw consciousness and you re-emerge in the non-physical realm. This aligns you with the unlimited power to create. The same thing occurs during meditation when you detach from everything. Whatever happens, you never separate from who you are. Everything reveals the truth. You choose to see or not.