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Entries in angels (5)


Paranormal events happen to normal people 

Just when you convince yourself of what it means to be normal, you discover paranormal events happen to normal people. This is apparent in the energy and enthusiasm with which stories are shared. It may also be noticable in your own perception of existence. Nothing is ever the same. Ever wonder why this is?

Paranormal events are those loosely described without definitive, and agreed upon scientific explanation. This is understood as things that happen outside what is conscious, familar and easily explained by the rational mind. Some people sense they began thinking with the heart, moved to the head and are in the process of reconnecting with heart awareness.

When a biological life form expands to a higher level of consciousness, it does so in part by reinforcing its sense of a past and connecting it with present to make sense of what is folding. Thus, paranormal is also viewed as normal.

Electromagnetic theory offers to explain paranormal events such as telepathy and seeing spirit energy. To sense energy fields involves subtle perceptions of feelings, emotions and other energies which differ from what you associate with dense energy.  For example, people who experience NDEs are known to become more sensitive to different energy levels. Yet, they are not the only beings to sense non-verbal or other energies.

Consider the provocative impact of someone who reaches rock bottom in physical life. Then, a near death experience (NDE) opens doors to other worlds. To experience those other worlds and return to what you had before shifts perception of what you think or know. This prompts new levels of energy awareness.

Consider a voice in the dialogue of my Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within book. It reveals how each of us is given information from a higher self, that may be viewed as a spirit guide, an angel, an extra-terrestrial or something else. You go though stages of awareness where you sense wisdom is obtained from outside the self and arrive at a point where you can begin to access infinite, inner knowing.  

Consider how you sense changes are occuring within and around you.  What would happen if you choose to record everything you perceive to be happening?  Much of what you hear that is normal or not is not based on your inner sight or intuition.  As you detach from what you are told is normal, you gradually come to realize it is actually something else. 

Another view of paranormal is to realize your internal points of reference are shifting.  One result is your external perception shifts. Some people connect this to the unfolding, magnetic pole shift of Earth itself.  Every human being has opportunities to learn to change certain things within the self in order to be more calm and balanced throughout altering perception. 


Interview with Dyan Garris 

Dyan Garris guides clients with her gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. As a voice recognition psychic and trance channel,she helps people tune to and use power in the chakras, and be the best they can be.

After expanding my own insight into angel intuitive work through workshops with Heavenly Angels and Doreen Virtue, I learned about Dyan through her extensive writings and Blog Talk Radio. She kindly shares views on angel wisdom and energy.

Dyan, thanks for your willingness to share insight into yourself with our readers. When did you realize you connect with angels?

My earliest recollection of connecting with angels was at four years old. An angel came into my room and spoke with me. Although, they don’t really speak, rather, they just “communicate.” The angel told me that it was very important that I remember who I am. At that tender age there is no “doubt.” I didn’t have a definition of that word. My favorite book at the time was “The Littlest Angel.” I recognized the being that was communicating with me as an angel. I asked my sister if she could see or hear the pretty angel and she said no.

Did you ever doubt of this truth?

I knew what I was seeing and hearing, so I just didn’t have any doubt about it. I’m sure that helped lay the foundation for what was to come in my life. I just never had any doubt or fear of the truth. Therefore, I gave myself permission from a very young age to just be who I am. I learned to validate my own parking ticket, instead of having others validate it.

Explain how you attune to energy vibrations.

Everything is energy. Certainly we’ve been hearing a lot about that lately. It’s time for us to begin to understand and assimilate that and take it in as the truth that it is. Energy here is designed to flow in a certain way. When we understand how energy is designed to flow, it’s easy to attune to it. You just flow with it. You have to be willing to do that, however, as a first step.

What are the intentions of your soul?

I came here, as everyone does, to learn and teach about love. My intentions are to provide people with the tools they need for self-empowerment. That is what the entire Spiritual Toolbox™ is about. It’s a model for people to use for connection and alignment of purpose and co-creating.

How do you help people understand soulful experience is not limited to 5 senses?

I say this: We have our physical body that we are quite aware of with all of our senses. Then we have our spiritual body, which is no less real, but which we aren’t quite so attuned with because most people can’t “see” it. If you being to understand yourself as having a very real spiritual body, you can begin to understand how important it is to take care of it just as you would your physical body. The soul is indwelling. When we connect the dots, connect the energies that are contained in our spiritual body, with the physical body, there is nothing we cannot do. Limitations become an illusion and synchronicity becomes the order of the day.

Choose 3 things you resonate with that help you grow.

Meditation is one. Another is being willing to examine oneself at a very core level, and being then willing to get rid of what no longer moves you forward. This is where people have the most trouble. They hang on to things. Another is the willingness to love without conditions or fear. I am never afraid to love. The challenge in any moment is always to BE the love.

Share an experience where you know you were making the right choice yet, you were afraid.

I’ve never felt afraid of any choice I’ve made. It’s not that I’ve always made “right” choices. It’s just that I’ve never been afraid of them. All paths eventually converge to take you to wherever you’re supposed to be or go.

What does fear teach you?

Whenever fear arises, there is opportunity to return to love. It’s from love that we create, not fear.

How would you advise people who wish to reconnect with their authentic power?

The first thing is to get out of fear. The second thing is to examine what is blocking you at the root. The third thing is to learn how to live in the moment. And the fourth is to be willing to align with your purpose.

Scarcity of self-value means many people often forget who they are. What is the greatest gift?

Every single day is the greatest gift. There is opportunity in every single day to be who you are. It’s a choice.

You are a master of manifesting. You write on angel awareness, intutitive cooking, channelled messages, and other topics. To what do you attribute true success?

How sweet. Thank you. True success is measured by what is in your heart, not in your wallet. We achieve true success by just doing what we came here to do. Sometimes that doesn’t show up as our current definition of success (money). And that’s ok. It’s when we go chasing after trying to “make” money that true success eludes us.

 What guidance can you offer people who commit to goals, but do not realize them?

Goals are a function of the mind and of the wants, needs, and desires of the ego. It’s not that they are bad or that we shouldn’t set goals. It’s just that this is not where we create. The energy of creation resides in the root, not in the mind. Goal setting and intention setting is and should be a form of alignment with our purpose. Anything else puts us in a position of getting in our own way.

Any additional thoughts or ideas you wish to share?

Yes. We’re definitely starting to get it. When the universal Law of Attraction filtered in here as the truth that it is, people took it as a way to get what they want. That’s not the purpose of it. The Law of Attraction is but one step in the process of manifesting and co-creating. So it was very important that we learn it. But now we need to take it a step further. We need to take everything several steps further.

Thank you Dyan for sharing these insights. It is reassuring to many human beings to realize the positive forces of angels are everywhere, and accessible to everyone who chooses to believe.

Visitors are invited to learn about Dyan's Spiritual Toolbox™ full of products for multi-dimensional living and integrative healing. This includes the bestselling book “Money and Manifesting,” which was an award winning finalist in the USA National Best Books of 2008 Awards, a CD series of music and meditation for healing, Automatic Chakra Balance™, relaxation, and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit, and a line of jewelry for Automatic Chakra Balance™.

For details about free spiritual advice column,  “Voice of the Magazine” for Multi-Dimensional Living, Free angel card readings in three languages and phone psychic readings by real psychics, and her Manifesting Therapy, consult


Angel test for light-seeking souls

As you follow inner guidance and do what feels right, you may choose to take this Patron Angel test.  Be open to divine guidance. Intuit what would help you in your current life circumstances. Share your results and feelings about them. Ponder the accuracy of what is revealed about your deeper traits in relation to angels.  What inner knowing arises?


Expect the unexpected

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer.

One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.

"I want to repay you," said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life."

"No, I can't accept payment for what I did," the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer.

At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel. "Is that your son?" the nobleman asked.

"Yes," the farmer replied proudly.

"I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of."

And that he did.

Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time, he graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.

Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia. What saved his life this time?


The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill.

His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill.

You never know when someone may be an angel in disguise.

Expect the unexpected.
"What goes around comes around."

It is suggested to:

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
Live like it's Heaven on Earth

“Unexpected travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God.” -Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.


Listen to Angels

If you wish to know inner peace, I encourage you to listen to angels. Now, before you begin to question where I'm coming from, and if I'm 'all here,' I'll share two stories with you which changed my life.  They reveal how angels appear and assist you when you least expect it.

One fine June day, when I was 12, I was riding my bike home from school. I was delighted to have this ten speed with curled handlebars.  I liked the freedom I felt as I coasted fast.

As it was, I had had some change in my pocket. When I was descending a hill alongside the wavy, Kennebecasis River, I thought I heard some change hit the ground.  My instinct was to pull the brake, stop and retrieve it. Unfortunately, I pulled the front brake only and went face first into the concrete. Rather than brace my fall, my arms flew backwards. So much for the bright, sunshine yellow t-shirt and yellow jeans. No wonder my favorite color became orange?

Although I had this accident in a residential area, nobody was around. I was screaming in agony because I had shattered my septem and completely flattened my nose. Yet, it seemed no person heard me. How could everyone be out at the same time? Curiously, there were no cars on the road. Call it the twilight zone or a crash course in inter-dimensional travel.

Just when I was about to faint from loss of blood, I thought I saw an old brown car drive over the hill.  I slumped down beside my bent bicycle and the brown car actually stopped beside me. Two men with Mexican t-shirts and dark curly hair got out and approached me. They asked me if I was okay and I think by that point, all I could manage was a nod.  They picked me up and put me in the back seat of their car.   These strangers drove me directly to the emergency department of the regional hospital.  We passed no cars on the road. I knew as I hovered over my body. They took me inside and then drove away. Thanks to them, I had surgery to replace the blood and to reconstruct my nose.  My parents tried to find out who those men were.  My parents were grateful. Yet, the men appeared out of nowhere and we were never able to find them.  They left no trace. Looking back, maybe it was my own real-life version of Highway to Heaven? To me, they were angels and I'm very grateful.

Another story I wish to share with you took place in 1996. After initial university experiences, I had prepared for French medical school. I realize now I almost compromised my creative gifts to pursue a career that wasn't really for me. I also almost decided to pursue a personal life which did nothing to stimulate my imagination or nourish my soul. 

Then, it happened.  At dusk, during the first light snowfall of the season, I left the hospital where I was a volunteer in the emergency. I strained to focus on a windy, forest road, and unexpectedly skidded along black ice around a blind corner.

From that moment, my life flashed in front of me.  As I turned the bend, I glimpsed 3 oncoming cars and an 18-wheeler transport truck careening down the steep incline toward me in the passing lane. Like a bad dream, I was headed straight for them.  Try as I did to use defensive driving skills, I found I had no control over the steering. The brakes were also useless in slippery conditions.

The car slid alarmingly across the median into the other lane, yet curiously swerved back with a jolt to hydroplane off the road. The passenger side collided with snow-covered birch trees that snapped and destroyed the outer door. The frenzied impacts caused the passenger side airbag to deploy.

I wasn't sure if I dissociated, or if I saw a flash, but I felt some force took control of my car. It propelled forward.  This collision with the passenger side of the car was like a godsend.  It took just enough time for the oncoming traffic to pass.   As if on cue, my car crossed the median behind the 18-wheeler and went directly into the ditch on the opposite side of the road and to collide with a telephone pole.  The driver's side airbag deployed and smoke oozed out of the remains of the engine. 

Just as the ambulance and firetruck arrived, I managed to emerge from the car. Against the advice of bystanders, I rushed back to rescue a research project from the back seat. The EMTs insisted I be taken to emergency to get checked over. When I arrived on the gurney, colleagues thought I was playing a trick on them until the police followed in behind. After all, I had left my volunteering responsibilities there less than 15 minutes before.

In the end, the car was a right off, yet, I emerged unscathed.  At first, all I could think about was the car (it was my dad's).  Hindsight helps me see my survival is more important.  This led me to rethink my personal and professional choices at that point in my life.  I intuitively made new decisions which led me to take advantage of overseas opportunities in other fields.

To this day, I am aware an angel took control of my car during that snowfall in order that I would step back and change the direction of my life. I still regularly feel the presence of angels.  I appreciate divine beings help me to broaden my horizons.  Stepping back, I recognize I had been ignoring my true self. Now I continue to prioritize creative visions that empower and inspire.  A recent bumper sticker told me I'm "protected by angels" and a girl next to me on the bus today was wearing a t-shirt that read "angels are watching you."