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Entries in evolution (31)


Short cut to happiness

'Short cut to happiness' was the topic of our radio show February 9th. This triggered exchanges which prompt reflections shared here. 

Notice when in your life, you feel completely satisfied and when you feel compelled to seek a source of happiness outside yourself.  Notice the thoughts that run through your head and emotions that flow noticeably through you.  Notice different options exist for how you choose to feel inspired.  Watch your changing state of mind.  The shortest road to anything is to be it and stop seeking. You evolve and get here or listen to the heart only when ready.

"There are no shotcuts in evolution." -Louis D. Brandeis


When does it end?

You may ask, "how can one evolve if one is everything already and one cannot measure or pinpoint the quality of something?  When does evolution end? "

Wisdom echoes everything arises from the same source.  No separate individual actually exists.  The physical senses and body merely perform roles.  The journey of separate existence continues as long as 'you' perceive it. One expands into the highest places of humility unfathomable in mind. This realm of cosmic consciousness cannot be quantified and the creating is continuous.  Awareness refines itself. Decisions arise before the mind even notices choices to be made.  What you think is not in charge.


End your suffering

The emotion of disappointment arises when you resist surrender.  It gradually eats away at the ego. You experience a kind of suffering until you reach a stage when you accept another way of living exists. You are only willing to surrender to who you are when you reach a point where you have had enough.  You decide to end the thoughts and interpretations that create self-inflicted suffering.  As you realize you have a choice, you can decide to stop imposing suffering on others and cease your own as well. Every let down is a teacher.  Otherwise, you would not awaken to know suffering is over.  You discern infinite reasons to be and allow love.  You intuitively release patterns, peel away the old to reveal something new.


Focus on what matters

Know you are already aligned with what matters.   You either accept and allow it to guide all your choices and experiences or, resist and draw other things into your life. Notice your fluctuating states of mind.  Attune to more consistent states of being. Notice the feelings that guide your evolution and remembering.

What resonates deep down sounds like whatever it sounds like from where you are.   You interpret as you do. Some people say it feels like relief, joy and renewal.  As you feel refreshed, it enables you to relax, to feel worthy, intrinsically valued, appreciated, accepted, content and the focus of unwavering love. Reflect on what you feel at this moment.  Be the observer that grows increasingly aware of the being you are.


Life is more than a game

The world is your oyster.  You decide what is in your scope of awareness, which opportunities to create or block, and whether you choose to go deeper inside the self to explore more subtle energies.  You may also be drawn to explore power centres on different levels.  To access power centres requires expanding self-awareness.  As you awaken, you grow more conscious and naturally take responsibility.

In other words, whatever you experience is dependent on your evolution or remembering.  To imagine a series of gates creates them.  You grow aware of a guardian stationed at each gate.  Suddenly, you sense you are the guardian, the gate, the challenge and the solution.

As awareness grows, you sense how to contact a guardian so that whatever form it takes understands you.   Telepathy is only one tool among many. In this sense, life is like a video game.  You move through levels of tasks that reflect stages of maturity and wisdom.  Everything is based on skills you acquire or awaken within. Every choice and encounter reveals how you engage to Transform Your life

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