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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in conflict (7)


When the questions disappear

As questions that form in the mind fade away, you may forget the original purpose in asking.  You may conclude that silence is where the answers exist and suddenly trigger your own revelations.  There is no time like the present to notice what you imagine and why.

To grasp where and who you are is to be in harmony with all that is.  To realize you are in conflict with something or someone reveals you resist the harmonius state of being, that you choose to struggle against full acceptance.  Whenever you do not feel at peace, step back.  Observe.  Situations and perceptions do not punish anyone.  We only ever choose to punish ourselves and imagine reasons for all that.


What if you have no expectations?

You are where you are to open the heart to what exists for you.  This is an opportunity to recognize everything is a reflection of who you think you are.  Some people sense what they experience is what they know themselves to be.  To know requires no thought or belief.  You choose to be fully empowered or to postpone that.

Ponder how your body is a filter, a conduit, that transmits energy into forms you discern in the physical.  You can sense when your attention is distracted from what feels balanced.  The invisible or unmanifested, grounds you. It often only grows apparent through discerning aspects of times and space.  Allow yourself to sense everything.

You may be in a situation where changes you perceive around you are distracting you from what you experience inside.  What if you are not seeing clearly when you look outside the self? What if alignment is only truly experienced as you remember what it feels like to feel beyond self-imposed limitation?

Remind self nothing happens to you.  Everything actually happens through you.  No person senses this exactly as you do in this moment.  It may invite you to debate reality and then release energy that no longer serves you. 

Ultimately, conflict does not exist unless you imagine it. To detach from all expectations changes everything.  Choosing consciously means focusing your attention on peace, love and joy. Life is pure Cosmic Synchronicity.

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