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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in awarness (10)


More than you could ever want

As you travel in a directionless direction, you experience more than you could ever want. That which you are is absolutely fresh.  That which you think you are is old and gone.  This is not a teaching or a belief.  It is a version of the dream.  Investigate for yourself without hoping, yearing, and desiring.  Thoughts about who you are appear within the mind of who you are. Silent awareness is alive inside.  It is aware of all dreams, all action and non-action.  It does not oppose anything.  It points to something you discover. Stop believing in anything.  Notice what happens.  Realize being.  Feel the nature of what draws you to sense what is. Who you are cannot ever be taught.


Identify your synchronicities

Everything you sense and perceive is drawing your attention to what it means to be authentic or true to the love you are. The universe gives you opportunities to make conscious connections.  Synchronicities offer insight into deeper patterns of your true nature, into reasons why you listen and allow or resist the purpose of everything.

Humans exist at different stages of restlessness and self-acceptance.  You are the expert on you although you may temporarily forget how to access inner knowing of the being. You may feel happy about parts of your life and feel differently about others.  Every moment, your mind, body and spirit send you messages. There are no accidents. Yet, it is common for people to ignore or overlook deeper significance. 

In Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within, I invite readers on a life-changing journey.   Dialogue and exercises engage readers in uncovering the secrets of and underlying reasons for their own behaviour.  They learn how lessons present in unexpected places, what value is found in every set of conditions.  You recall how to listen to the inner voice differently, to sense and create more consciously.  Being self-aware in a given moment enables you to listen to the ever-present voice that knows what's best for you. Its all about guiding the self to discern reasons for love and fear and remembering that being open to all feelings serves your evolution.

This choose-your-own healing adventure inspires Cosmic Synchronicity.  This work invites readers to deepen the connection with their higher self, their sense of success, identity and ideals.  The deepest part of you knows lasting change only unfolds through conscious self-awareness and complete honesty with your true self.  How do you progress on your own self-disclosure? What do you gain from this process? Why is synchronicity meaningful to you right now? Join the dots.

"According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don't bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous." (quoted by Carol Lynn Pearson in Consider the Butterfly)―Deepak Chopra, Synchrodestiny


What is really going on?

At this moment, you are a human being who arrives here in search of yourself.  Nothing outside the self is relevant to this journey. The external is illusion that emerges to distract you.  When you discern what you are experiencing moment-to moment, you take nothing for granted.  What is going on?

If you repeat thoughts, they become your nature.

If you are on a spiritual quest, you are potentially divine.

If you seek a guru, you forget the meaning of fearlessness.

If you do not understand others, they do not understand you.

If you do not respect others, they do not respect you.

If you journey inward, that which cannot be said is the truth.

If you sense soul, you touch on infinity of unconditional love.

If you oppose, remember you cannot contradict nothingness.

If you wish to expand, be constant, steady and unwavering. 

If you wish to affect the future, accept the present and be.

If you seek knowledge, books only offer glimpse of inspiration.

If you want wisdom, experience on the same frequency counts.

If you are available unto yourself, consciousness absorbs you.

If you wish to get nowhere, you do so without thought.  

If you travel at the speed of light, you emerge ageless.


Meg Blackburn Losey & 8 Keys to survive the shift

Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. is an intuitive healer, and the author of "The Children of Now," "Conversations with the Children of Now," and "The Call," among other books. Her insight into inter-dimensional awareness and multiple realities empowers people to reframe their own shifts at present and perceived shifts in consciousness.

She encourages people to have aith and trust in their telepathic abilities. Readers may choose to listen to the archives of a recent Blog Talk Radio interview on Rock What You Got: 

According to Meg Blackburn Losey, it is useful to review these 8 keys to survive your own inner shifts;

1. We must acknowledge our self perfection – We are and always have been One in Source and within our Journeys.

2. Accept the journey for which we have come – why fight the very things which we have come to learn?

3. Maintain Personal integrity – That truth which is ours, that opportunity which we give ourselves to find truth within, is not what we are conditioned to perceive.

4. Be what you are, not what others perceive you to be– You are created of light and Grace.  Imperfection is an illusion. Spirit knows you need not improve, only know your God self.

5. We must acknowledge our value – Your value is how you fit the world within and the exterior world in which you exist. To perceive that your value is greater or less than someone else’s brings you to lack of everything else.

6. Accept Your Power – You are great and mighty. True Power comes not of ego, but the collective One of our Spirit. True Power is Gentle Power. You are of the light and in its seemingly nebulous construct is the essence from which all things are made. To fear inner power is to suggest that you are less than all other things. In Truth, power is of Grace, not of abusiveness or negative use and your Grace is born of unconditionality. True Power is that which is Love, the intentional living as co-creator from within all opportunities that are offered you.

7. Take Your value, Your perfection, Your power, Your Grace into your world – In the Now that always is, change only comes from practice. To effect change, we must embody it. You must walk your talk, not hide what you know. Historically, that which is hidden is viewed as heresy in relation to the accepted norm. To change this, create a new accepted norm with ease and Grace. Walk within the light.

8. Love yourselves and touch everyone you encounter with love – As all energy exchanges, what will You accept from others and what will you leave behind? You can see all others as mirrors of self, that their pain also resides somewhere within us, that their joy is in our hearts as well. This is why random acts of kindness make such a difference. How many times have you said “There by the Grace of God go I”? It is true. It has always been so.

For further information, consult


7 Ways to make core adjustments

Human conditioning encourages you to continue living as you do without question.  Every person can evolve to recognize certain perceptions and behaviours would benefit from changes. Consider 7 ways to make core adjustments;

1) Tackle what you fear. Discomfort and restlessness reveal things that you deny or avoid. When you repress something, it gradually surfaces to reveal itself. As you come to identify the source of your fear, you are empowered to the truth as it is, that fear is all in the mind.

2) Recognize value in extremes. Emotional tailspins suggest you are not dealing with key lessons you incarnate in the physical to learn. To sense intense energy is no accident. It invites you to be more honest.  Anger is always misplaced and urges you shift focus back to love. Extremes point out you misunderstand who you are and why you exist now. Making hasty judgments about senses or emotion expands your insight into the power of fluctuating energy.

3) Re-interpret inner storms. When the mind is quiet and conditioned reactions subside, its easier to make sense of turbulence. Physical choices do not control you and neither does a passing environment. Perceived mistakes and reasons for resentment pave the way for deeper healing. Its an opportunity to review where you are and grasp intrinsic value.

4) Detect ego patterns. Assumptions about ego are misleading. Its not necessary to change who you are in relation to what you experience, only to dissolve negative reactions. One can evolve to discern absolute soul ego reflected through misplaced human ego, grow to act more maturely.

5) Reconnect with soul. As you meditate and take other steps to reach your inner self, you consciously link layers of the mind that are fragmented to delude you. An absence of mental discipline permits the mind to drift and dissociate.

6) Align energy and intuition. This helps one grasp how a soul pre-selects the person with whom to associate in a given incarnation. Despite this, soul does not exert absolute control over the body and must adapt to the personality and internalized conflicts of the body.

7) Tailor how you use energy. To reach a productive phase of contact with soul means you recognize options for energy expression. You shape the direction and intensity of vibration.  How you respond to negativity, whether or not you flinch at difficult conditions that present, determines how much energy remains to be used for other purposes.

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