Stuart Wilde & 33 Steps to find yourself

Stuart Wilde offers many books and teachings that invite you to completely evaluate how view and experience the physical world and beyond. In The Infinite Self, he invites readers to re-evaluate their lives and perception. He offers 33 steps as part of a process to find your authentic self and re-align with what matters. Consider how many steps resonate with you now;
1) Know you are God
2) Expand self-awareness
3) Find courage to go beyond
4) Accept spirit as your inner guide
5) View negativity as a learning experience
6) Learn about the world through common beliefs
7) Notice human knowledge is affected by human weakness
8) Sense masters were supernatural as others were not
9) Power comes from discipline
10) Centre the mind
11) Believe you are already the power
12) Take your word as law
13) Redefine self-acceptance
14) Judge nothing, quantify nothing
15) Hold onto nothing
16) Do not defend
17) Constantly purify yourself
18) Respect all living things
19) Notice the power rises within
20) Take action through non-action
21) Dedicate your life to the sacred way
22) Grasp that understanding & creativity come from within
23) Align with Nature
24) Fear no death; embrace immortality
25) Avoid becoming a guru
26) Practice physical discipline
27) Rediscover emotional discipline
28) Nurture mental discipline
29) Know philosophical discipline
30) Experience spiritual discipline
31) Embark on inward quests
32) Discern the meaning of fusion
33) Reconnect with the Initiate