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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in astral (8)


Move beyond the chains of time

Analysis of dream submitted by Ian in Melbourne, Australia.

Dream- I had an astral travel experience which took me to England. I flew through atunnel and found myself in the home of a friend (whom I have never visited in person). I saw him with his feet up on the table. He was smoking a cigar. I observed his furniture in detail and telepathically read his mind about his intentionfor a project.When I awoke, I wrote my friend and received confirmation of all I hadseen and feltin the astral. Part of me knew telepathically and through ESP what he would say. I struggle to separate dreaming fully from reality.

Predominant Emotion- fear, surprise, self-love and acceptance

Interpretation- This dream highlights an advancing awareness of timelessness. It is a process to learn to surrender completely to wherever you are, that is, to be totally present. It is one thing to visualize and reveals progressto experience it. As you drop levels of inner resistance, you discover hidden spiritual power. Imaginary projections are only in the future.

Many human beings live a fragmented existence. The physical body does things and the mind wanders between past and future. When mind is unsatisfied, it refuses to accept what is. When mind wanders away from the now, negativity arises, the inner space is not clear and conscious astral travel is inconceivable. As mind empties of thought, you are no longer trapped in the time continuum. You not only realize every event is happening simultaneously, but you travel between moments.

Telepathy is free-flowing dialogue among open minds.  All that is necessary is heightening levels of sensory perception.  An outer sense of purpose has limits yet and inner sense of purpose offer a labryinth of possibilities.  As mind-created layers of problems dissolve, untapped abilities present to you.


4 Ways to reverse the energy drain

Tiredness and fatigue are symptoms of shifts in consciousness.  Human beings often link fatigue to practical, physical things like diet and lifestyle. Yet, humans do not always aware of the residue or trickling of energy that points to formless realities. Seeing self from a multidimensional pespective empowers you to move beyond the familliar.  Consider 4 ways to reverse energy drain; 

1) Remove energy blocks. "Energy drain" is a physical experience and often, a lmited physical perspective. Human energy is thick and dense. The physical body is made of an energy field of particles that appears solid but is actually fluid and flows like a conductor. Low vibrational thoughts and feelings congest chakras, block or congest the energy field and lead to reduced, functional capacities. Consciously changing thoughts and feelings consistently has power to transform experiences in this realm.

2) See things from a multidimensional view.  On a physical, ego-based level, a person sees in terms of personality, identity, that we take finite breaths, can only experience finite energy and are unconsciously run by thoughts that birth and death happen (and are possible).  Other ways of seeing remain off our radar screen until we reconnect with an over-reaching, soul purpose. Such revelations allow you to tap into a hidden, internal energy reserve to strengthen you. In other words, when honest, we move beyond responding based on instinctive survivial and shift into recalibration.  

3) Build confidence and self-value. Its not the volume of energy within that invigorates and renews the soul.  Rather, its determined by the nature of energy frequency and quality of energy vibrating.  Emotional or other trauma drains energy.  Unresolved trust issues would benefit from reinforcing one's energy field.  Decide to accept yourself and love what you do. 

4) Explore dream planes. The physical realm is based on time. The astral realm is based on endless space. Other realms are based on no-time and space or other qualities unrelated to time. Training one's consciousness to explore a variety of dream realms is part of a natural evolution of consciousness.  You can be recharged by simply freeing the soul temporarily from the physical body, by encountering healing spirits, and by reconnecting to your inner power. The help of spirit guides can also give a human being capacity to tap into more energy reserve during crisis.  Clearning blocks on a physical level permits initiations and the energetic state to explore into other dream realms.


Take several forms at one time

In a book called Seth Speaks, Jane Roberts channels what Seth explains as inherent characteristics of any consciousness.  That is to say, this book suggests any human being is capable of taking on many forms at one time.  Do you underestimate your potential?

For example, your physical body can lie on a bed while your consciousness journeys in a dream form to very different locations.  You can explore astral and lucid dream states.  You can devise thought forms of yourself which could materialize in another place without your conscious awareness.  Are you beginning to discern your hidden strength?

As you evolve to realize your consciousness isn't limited, you also begin to realize that you aren't limited in terms of the forms you can create and project at a given time. The better you get-to-know yourself, the more conscious you will become about what you are doing, what you have the potential to do, and what forms you can control into being.

What would you say if you were able to learn to travel through emotions rather than permit them to control you?  What would you say if you felt much more freedom to explore an experience in ways that used to seem unnatural or inconceivable? What would you do?

Imagine what it will feel like when you no longer wish to hide your emotions, when you no longer fear the truth.  Imagine how your life will change from the moment you know your feelings are discerned through senses you forgot you had.  Choices will make more sense.

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