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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What if you live in parallel universes?

Astral dreaming experience teaches that different levels of consciousness exist. Humans are energy beings. Inner energy or astral body, moves between worlds with or without conscious awareness. So, dimensions and examples of life exist beyond the physical. Presumed rules of physics do not apply everywhere. Alternative systems exist for functioning, communicating and interacting than those familiar to you. 

At the Big Bang, the universe exploded in more layers than you fathom. From this, emerged the mental plane, the etheric, the astral, parallel and holographic universes, and eventually the physical. The astral is part of the path back to the Source.

Earth teachings reveal the universe is infinite in all directions. Take that a step further, and you realize each direction has infinite universes. That suggests you could enter parallel lives.

In other words, the infinity of the universe is not limited to one level. Your life is like a television with different programs broadcast simultaneoulsy on different channels. Still, human beings fear or assume they cannot access other levels or channels. What would you say when you realize you do?

1) This is a reminder you are a multi-dimensional being.

2) Some people live a parallel life on non-physical planes.

3) Your reality channel is a radio dial that shifts frequency.

4) Memories of unfamiliar places may not be past life recall.

5) Deep attachments and karma are reinforced elsewhere.

6) You can learn to collect soul fragments in different realms.

7) Energy beings may not ascend from one plane, but many.

8) Division, separation and ego are illusions that blurr reality.

9) You permeate all matter on all planes, but resist the truth.

10) Each being expands into an experience of his creation.


Take several forms at one time

In a book called Seth Speaks, Jane Roberts channels what Seth explains as inherent characteristics of any consciousness.  That is to say, this book suggests any human being is capable of taking on many forms at one time.  Do you underestimate your potential?

For example, your physical body can lie on a bed while your consciousness journeys in a dream form to very different locations.  You can explore astral and lucid dream states.  You can devise thought forms of yourself which could materialize in another place without your conscious awareness.  Are you beginning to discern your hidden strength?

As you evolve to realize your consciousness isn't limited, you also begin to realize that you aren't limited in terms of the forms you can create and project at a given time. The better you get-to-know yourself, the more conscious you will become about what you are doing, what you have the potential to do, and what forms you can control into being.

What would you say if you were able to learn to travel through emotions rather than permit them to control you?  What would you say if you felt much more freedom to explore an experience in ways that used to seem unnatural or inconceivable? What would you do?

Imagine what it will feel like when you no longer wish to hide your emotions, when you no longer fear the truth.  Imagine how your life will change from the moment you know your feelings are discerned through senses you forgot you had.  Choices will make more sense.