3 Tips to keep your energy up

Whatever you currently focus on in your life is pointing to what you are not yet seeing. Take these three tips to heart:
1) Be aware of your thoughts. They almost always trigger feelings and emotions. It is these feelings and emotions that determine your energy level. Infinite energy is always available to you from the cosmic source. Imagine a beam of light going into the top of your head from the universe. When you feel inspired, excited or optimistic, energy flows much faster to you. Love keeps this cosmic channel open and clear. Negativity, like fear, doubt, or anger, block the channel. It is why you may feel drained, anxious, heavy, uninspired.
2) Think less, intuit more. The act of thinking invites analysis. This gets in the way of the flow of energy and inspiration. Notice that when you allow yourself to make choices that feel right, no thinking is involved. Action is is more spontaneous and turns out to be in your best interest.
3) Trust yourself. The underlying reasons for choices you intuit are not always clear when you act. And yet, heaven always knows that what you do not initially see or understand reveals itself to you when you are ready to handle it.