Activate the Light Body

Notice every living being has capacity to activate the light body. Our light body is the vehicle or stepping stone to residing consistently in our divine state of being. The activation process is a gift we give ourselves, an energetic shift from fear to love. Every breath is like a prayer. Every thought, word and deed, all we receive, consume, decode and transmit, emits a vibration. The physical human body is a multi-faceted antenna system. Depending on positioning, the shapes created from the bones to the cells can radically impact our state of health and well-being.
Turns out, placing the body in certain postures helps us “tune-in” to key frequencies. Ritual body postures generally come in two forms: those that are held for long periods, trance & yoga postures, and those that are formed by gentle, fluid movements from a previous position and held momentarily, such as those found in Tai Chi. The static positions are like rabbit ears on a television set. To get better reception of a specific channel, they are placed in a certain position and left stationary. Experience varies yet it often takes at least fifteen minutes of silencing the body and holding a position to enter an altered state. Watch what happens as we tune into energy. Purify thoughts, will and intentions. Align with nature.
The human body is a crystalline lattice that forms a dipole antenna that radiates from the gut area out toward the head and feet and/or out toward each hand. The head and feet carry opposite charges as do each hand. Piezo crystals, which convert electrical energy into mechanical energy (and vice versa), are found in the bones, intestines, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.
The body is also full of liquid crystals and minerals that make up the lattice. This explains why placing the body in different positions changes how the crystalline lattice is oriented to the Earth plane, affecting which frequencies it transceives. Changing positions also affects the length of the antenna, which is an important parameter in frequency selection. We constantly choose the radio dial or frequencies we tune into based on our physical positions and how long we hold postures and also the tones we happen to be chanting. Sound influences the nature of what is transmitted and received.
As it happens, the condition of the soil around an antenna also determines how well it transceives. Rich soil amplifies the antenna’s ability to radiate and increases the range of frequencies the antenna can receive. Perhaps this is why so many practitioners prefer to do their Tai Chi exercises in a park setting, bare foot on the grass. Broadcast engineers have long known that using multiple antennas in specific arrays also enhances the ability to transceiver. Participating in group Tai Chi or meditation or yoga circles has this same effect.
Cell membranes are liquid crystal structures. A single cell in the body is a very small, short antenna. As it is so short, the frequency it transceives is very high and loaded with energy. Individually, each cell is either acting as a broadcast antenna and transmitting its status or acting as a receiving antenna to get what it needs. Together, similar cells transmit their own unique signal. For example, liver cells differ slightly from spleen cells. Individually, each liver cell transceives its own signal. Yet, collectively, all liver cells transceive as if one large antenna operating on the same frequency.
Those familliar with the basic principle used in acupuncture will relate. In ancient Chinese medicine, the liver is not considered to be just one specific organ located in just one place inside the body, as Western anatomy would picture it. In ancient Chinese medical philosophy, “liver” is considered to be a specific energy, or vibration, radiating within and through the entire body system. We see this in the energy that follows path of the liver meridian through the body.
Ultimately, awareness expands and information enters conscious awareness with perfect timing. As it dawns that we have a light body and can activate dormant systems, the process often is already underway. Yet, as we grow more conscious and intentional, this intensifies the light we hold, accelerates the energies, builds momentum and multiplies dimensions active in the experience.

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