5 Tips to see life differently

It is common to feel restless in a particular situation, to desire change but to hesitate taking any action. Watch what happens as you reflect on five tips to see life in a new light;
1) Notice your language- listen to yourself. Be aware if you use words like 'try, maybe, attempt' and others that express doubt. Be aware of how you express anger and frustration. Each word reinforcing negative emotions holds you back.
2) Change your attitude -allow yourself to find blessings in your current situation. Start with one. Identify opportunities for life lessons; patience, empathy, understanding, love.
3) Reinforce the positive - smile and laugh more. Allow yourself to experience more joy in life, wherever you are.
4) Shift focus- rather than seeing your life from the ego perspective, shift to see things from a soulful point of view. That is, recognize the bigger picture, how everything is to be appreciated.
5) Recognize everything is a mirror- be aware that how you respond to all you encounter is a reflection of how you feel about your true being. Imagine everything is an invitation to love equally and unconditionally. See beyond the judgment of the conditioned ego. Underneath the illusions, all is love expressing love.
Reader Comments (1)
Always love to read your posts over and over, soothing ideas to reflect on, thank you. xoox