Tell it like it is

The conditioned mind would have you believe suffering is good for you and invites you to think and focus on that. The mind urges you to 'tell it like it is.' For the mind, this is anything that distracts you from unwavering acceptance, peace and contentment.
Notice what happens as you focus attention instead on what you love, on what evokes joy and happiness within you. Feel the vibration that arises as you talk about what touches your heart and inspires your soul. Sing about it. Compose poetry about it. Use any or all forms of creative expression that resonate. Sense what it is to be authentic, to be still inside, come what may in the perceived external world. Even take moments to say nothing and allow silence to speak. Surrender to what is deeper.
"Be nothing, do nothing, get nothing, become nothing, seek for nothing, relinquish nothing, be as you are..." -Miranda

Reader Comments (2)
Happy too about the photos of Kelly I'll be putting up on FB. My aunt, my dad's only sister remaining on this plane has recently started on the Internet. And gone deaf, so she will enjoy the photos a lot. Her name is Aunt Sue and guess who my middle name Sue is for.
I am happy at the thought of eating pancakes tomorrow for breakfast, washed down with coffee.
I feel good and love the rising vibrating feeling as I anticipate posting this comment and jumping up with a little whooo-hooo and a spring in my step to go the fridge for a sip of my lovely cold Sauvingon Blanc.
Excited too that in the morning the air will feel cool.
There is always something to be happy about.