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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Let things be as they are

Feel what existence is like as you not only forgive without question, but you intuitively see beyond error.  There is no chaos, imbalance, nothing to undo or rectify.  You no longer act out of fear.  You perceive no problems, no need for solutions. Dissatisfaction and restlessness are gone.  You are not at war with the mind, or struggling to stop thinking.  You drop pretensions, drop hypocrisies, and willingly let go of conditioning.

Observe what happens as you let go of the attitude of control and manipulation.  Nothing anyone says or does fazes you.  What has no effect ceases to exist in your scope of awareness.    As you let go of agendas, let go of the desire to transform, to self- improve or better understand, related people and situations dissipate that are incompatible with your energy vibration.  The intention of realizing ambitions, becoming famous or accessing magical power do not cross the radar screen.  You no longer notice opportunities to actively bring these things into your experience. 

As you let things be, the desire for more ceases. History is irrelevant. A sense of the past fades.  This is the returning to innocence, seeing things as they are without the filters of mind. You allow the natural state of being to reveal itself. Just being natural, being yourself is nothing extraordinary.  This is about noticing what is, that is all.

Consider when Lin Chi was asked, ”What has happened to you? People say you have become enlightened,” he shrugged his shoulders and said, ”Happened? Nothing. I cut wood in the forest, and carry water to the ashram – carry water from the well, cut wood because the winter is approaching.”

 "Man is a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally or not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human." - Aristotle

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