You are not what you think

Concepts arise in the mind. The deepest part of being knows none of them can stick. No belief or attitude lasts forever. No attachment or detachment results in what you seek. Clarity and awareness know all effort is futile. They exist regardless of what you think or do. To think the present comes from the past is merely a hallucination. A memory is always an echo of now. Nothing is happening to you but rather through the energy you perceive as you. The dream layers peel themselves back and blow away in the wind. What remains of the dream remains to be seen as it is. Be the dream.
"But the self-controlled man, moving among objects, with his senses under restraint, and free from both attraction and repulsion, attains peace." -
Reader Comments (6)
Immanence implies everything happens in the mind. Everything is also a dream. Awareness is unlimited. Awaken from the dream of being the inherent universe and discover the nature of the dreamer. Nothing and everything is transcended.
"The highest truth cannot be put into words." - Lao tzu
People are also mesmerized by their memories. Therefore, many are memorizing their actions through cell memory, since they identify with the membrane or perceived boundary structure. Therefore they are trapped by their definitions and how they define life by what they see and what they are told, instead of how they are feeling now.
This then brings up the idea of people being infected by meme's, as Wayne Dyer describes. Meme's can also be described as viruses that are being replicated and passed along from person to person within a group or culture. Its a means of conformity and repetition, where something is repeated over and over again, until one releases them-self, or breaks the spell of contractual programming protocols.
Therefore, if one believes in me or meme or in their mem-ory, they are then disconnected from the now by living in an echo chamber.