What blocks you from peace?

You may notice people around you seem serene yet you feel restless. What does this tell you? The vibration of love is something that emerges from the core of being. If you are disconnected, being aware of this is the first step to other kinds of recognition.
What happens as you sense perception is leaving out part of the bigger picture here? Let yourself feel the flow of energy within. Listen to your word choices. Are these kind and compassionate terms grounded in the present tense? Notice the food and beverages you consume. How does this eating and drinking impact your thoughts and emotions? If you care for a car, would you run anything other than clean, healthy gas through its engine?
When you think, speak and focus anywhere other than in this moment, you block acess to timeless inner peace. The truth of who you are exists and unfolds in a timeless realm without constraints even when your focus is not here. You can always shift attention.
Consider limitation only exists in mind. What motivates you to limit where you can go, what you can do, and how you express your true self? Why would you choose to ignore innate peace and contentment? What if you have power to Transform your life?
Reader Comments (8)
Peace, Light and Love, C.